
"Heartstone is pretty and useful. Much like myself."   ~Jarl Gelmin HrontarElector of the Northrealm


Physical & Chemical Properties

Heartstone is an extremely hard material, resistant to crushing and impact. It can be ground, but is extremely difficult to cut.

Geology & Geography

Heartstone is primarily found in the Northrealm, in the modern and traditional ranges of the Funeral Bees. 

Origin & Source

Heartstone is made when Funeral Bee caches are left untouched for hundreds of years, usually after the death of a hive.

History & Usage


The Grimlocks discovered and first exploited heartstone.

Everyday use

While used as a jewel in its own right, heartstone has a number of magical properties exploited by mages, clerics, and alchemists. It has especially well established uses in Folk Magic.

Cultural Significance and Usage

The Northrealm often uses heartstone in its heraldry, usually in the form of a diamond-faceted heart shaped object. The Northern people regard it as a unifying symbol.

Industrial Use

Heartstone resists impacts, cuts, and crushing, but can be ground like a diamond. In this way, shapers take unrefined lumps and turn them into art objects or tools.

Manufacturing & Products

Heartstone is usually used in jewelry, but other objects can and have been made. Most notably, the badge of office for the Elector of the NorthrealmPartenkrig, the Blood Axe..

Byproducts & Sideproducts

Dust resulting from the grinding of heartstone has no common use, but is in high demand with the Brass Tower.


Heartstone formed in Tainted Places is considered to be unlucky by practitioners of Folk Magic.


Trade & Market

Outside of the Northrealm, heartstone is usually sold as a gemstone or set into jewelry. Folk Magicians regard these amulets as protection against evil spells.
30 GP per karat.
Uncommon in the Northrealm, rare everywhere else.
Deep, sparkling blood red.
Common State
Heartstone is a solid amber.


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