Planchette Fever

"You're lucky I found you when I did. I can fix you right up. Another few hours and you'd be dead, with little arrows sprouting up for whoever had killed you."   ~Oncin BluespiritCunning One of Alcedene

Transmission & Vectors

Planchette Fever comes from injuries and a resultant infection by the Planchette, usually after it has been fired at a victim like an arrow.


Typically, the infection sets in after a wound from a Planchette. A Biomancer or someone supplied by one will fire the Planchette like an arrow or bolt from a bow or crossbow, or possibly thrown or used with a spear thrower.


The condition starts with inflammation and swelling around the wound. The swelling spreads rapidly over the skin, becoming increasingly hot to the touch, to the point that the skin may blister. While the visible symptoms persist, the infection is spreading to surround the organs, where it will cook them at high temperatures. When the host is dead, the mold begins processing the body, primarily the bones and marrow. From the shapeless mass of flesh, rigid fruiting bodies will sprout up and become more Planchette Arrows.


Treating the condition is relatively easy; a small dose of poison, or ideally a large dose of alcohol, will halt the progress of the fungus and kill the infection.


While the disease is easily treated, it will kill the host if left alone.


Some sufferers experience a strange phobia of arrows, experiencing an inordinate terror of archers for months afterwards.

Hosts & Carriers

Planchette are the delivery system of the fungus.
Chronic, Acquired


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