
"The practice of Biomancy is an interest of mine. I have a team working in secret to create the Perfect Cow. It's going well, we only lost two of them last year. Mages, I mean... the cows are too tough to die from lab accidents."   ~Grandmaster Jeren, of The Golden Tower


The culture hero Cerin Gorbil used it to create griffins, owlbears, and other beasts used to fight the Scalykind  More recently, Biomancy was practiced by a prodigy named Lizefa Vernet, who had an obsession with advancing species and creating a 'more elegant biosphere.'   Biomancy can be used to feed the hungry and heal the sick and injured, which is how it is currently used by the Murlynd Charitable Society.




  Control Disease     Level 1   Macroglossia   Dactylitis   Gout  

Level 2

Lifelink   Havennena's Bruiser  

Level 3

  Anasarca   Summon Goon  

Level 4


Level 5


Level 6


Level 7


Level 8


Level 9

Biomancy was common among the Creator Races, though each approached it a different way.

Articles under Biomancy


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