Recruiting Sergeant

"The Recruiting Sergeant came away   from the inn near town at the break of day   He said 'Johnny, you're a fine young man   How'd you like to march behind a military band?"


A Recruiting Sergeant is typically either a member of the Edler's retinue, or at least known to them.


Recruiting Sergeants are typically tall, handsome, strong men that present a sort of military ideal to give potential recruits something to look up to.   They require knowledge of etiquette and rhetoric when dealing with the Militia Councils or mercenary bands assigned to them.


A Treaty of Obligation is given to the prospective Sergeant. This lists the settlements with which they are charged, and the relative obligation of those settlements. The Edler's seal and/or signature beneath it indicates the authority of the station. Due to the utilitarian nature of the assignment, there is little to no ceremony involved, and Recruiting Sergeants are often handed their Treaties as they mount their wagons.


Recruiting Sergeants are the source of bodies for the Maecodian war machine. They also provide training to raw recruits on their way to the muster point.


Recruiting Sergeants travel from settlement to settlement in their purview as an Edler's representative. They provide payments to mercenaries, remind warbands and Militia Councils of their obligations, and bring recruits back to the mustering forces. Once there, until they are given some other assignment, they typically drill the recruits and pass around battle plans so everyone in the force knows their duty.

Cultural Significance

Recruiting Sergeants are typically admired by young men and despised by older folk.
Civic, Military, Not Commissioned
Form of Address
Source of Authority
Recruiting Sergeants are given their task and authority by Edlers, and are considered their direct representative to various Militia Councils.
Length of Term
While most Recruiting Sergeants are sent out at need, there are some that have such an eye for talent and a silver tongue that they are regularly called to service.
Reports directly to
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