Battle of Whitewater Bridges

Military action


The second attempt by Margrave Gims to cross Whitewater River results in a decisive victory.

(#560758)   The Whitewater Bridges Engagement was another attempt by Margrave Gims to cross the Whitewater River, this time gaining enough control of the far bank to usher his men through. The Whitewater Bridge is actually three separate bridges, spaced roughly 100 feet apart. Rains from the night before had left the river too deep and fast to ford, even for the undead so the Gray Tide swarmed the southern shore to contest the crossing.   At the outset of the invasion, Gims arrayed his forces as if they were to cross all at once but only sent the Cambreath Home Guard to the westernmost bridge. Captain Illianic was a strict disciplinarian, and his men were well trained. When they met the undead on the far shore, they inflicted grievous harm and began to march backwards, engaging in an orderly retreat. The Gray Tide pursued, pouring onto the bridge and crashing again and again into the retreating shield wall.   Gims sent in Bailiff Wilde with the survivors of the South Cambreath Balatar. Eager to avenge their previous loss, Wilde crashed into the undead on the opposite end of the south bridge, but he, too began a fighting retreat. Both Illianic and Wilde stopped their retreat at the northern mouth of their bridges, committing the bulk of the horde. Seeing an opening, Zimet ordered a mob of the Gray Tide to charge across the central bridge, but Gims countered them by sending Bailiff Fokker across with the Central Cambreath Balatar.   Illianic's first three lines formed a shield wall and simply held the dead at bay halfway across. The rest of the balatar lobbed their slings in both directions, taking the undead from the sides with a withering storm of bullets. The intelligent undead on the north and south bridges leaped into the swirling water, mostly getting destroyed by the current and rocks. The mindless dead were cut to pieces, and suddenly the remains of the Gray Tide were surrounded. Crossbow bolts poured in from one side, and sling bullets from the other.   Illianic personally met the wight lord Zimet and slew him after a short fight.   In the end, an estimated 6,000 undead were destroyed at the cost of 59 balatari.

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