The Gutter Wars

The campaigns to put down the undead uprisings of 910.

  • 910 Y

    Destruction of the Gray Tide
    Military action

    Margrave Gims takes up a campaign to fight the roiling undead.

  • 910 Y

    21 Latespring

    Battle of Blackchurch
    Military action

    Winged Hussars from Cambreath go on a scouting mission, plotting the size and distribution of the Gray Tide for the coming offensive. They engage in an opportunistic and highly successful raid.

  • 910 Y

    30 Latespring 10:00
    910 Y

    30 Latespring 16:00

    Whitewater Crossing
    Military action

    The first attempt to cross Whitewater River ends in disaster for Margrave Gims' advance force.

  • 910 Y

    8 Newsummer

    Battle of Whitewater Bridges
    Military action

    The second attempt by Margrave Gims to cross Whitewater River results in a decisive victory.

  • 910 Y

    11 Newsummer
    910 Y

    22 Newsummer

    Lonesome Hill
    Military action

    Margrave Gims establishes a foothold in Wupan. The forward depot is unsuccessfully challenged by the vampire Longkren.

  • 910 Y

    4 Midsummer
    910 Y

    5 Midsummer

    Tragedy at Victer
    Military action

    The Cambreath Home Guard are ambushed in the fishing village of Victer. The remnants flee to a manitari grove to recoup.

  • 910 Y

    11 Midsummer

    First Battle of Briar Patch
    Military action

    The manitari of Briar Patch shelter Captain Illianic

  • 910 Y

    15 Midsummer
    910 Y

    30 Midsummer

    Illrigger's Landing
    Military action

    Wupan begins to truly contribute to the war effort, emboldened by the victories and tenacity of Margrave Gims.

  • 910 Y

    3 Latesummer
    910 Y

    16 Latesummer

    Banners Over Wupan
    Military action

    Margrave Gims sends out a desperate plea for reinforcements. To his surprise, his successes (which he views as barely hanging in) attract thousands.

  • 910 Y

    19 Latesummer
    910 Y

    21 Latesummer

    Zimet's Stand
    Military action

    Wight Lord Zimet is isolated and destroyed with his entire force.