The Landing

Population Migration / Travel

Year Zero

Human slaves from the draconic empire leave Shalor on stolen boats and land on the shores of Seaudyr. Many colonists become nomads, but the majority settle in a new city called Tilane.

Led by nine willful individuals, human and halfling slaves of dragonkind stole a fleet of warships and sailed halfway across the world. In the sixth month of the year, they landed on the shores of Seaudyr and immediately began a fearful, nomadic lifestyle as a loose confederation of barely cooperating caravans. A small colony named Tilane was established somewhere on the southern shore. Between the nomads and the colonists, the initial landing was roughly nine thousand strong.   Tilane was further bolstered by additional refugees and runaway slaves over the next three months. At first, these were more of the lowborn, but the last several ships contained military deserters and aristocrats. The original colony swelled into the tens of thousands, possibly up to fifty thousand.   The nine leaders of the runaways became the Elector Council of Tilane.