History of the Maecodian Confederation

The history remembered by the Maecodians

  • Year Zero
    The Landing
    Population Migration / Travel

    Human slaves from the draconic empire leave Shalor on stolen boats and land on the shores of Seaudyr. Many colonists become nomads, but the majority settle in a new city called Tilane.

  • 65 Y

    18 /4
    65 Y

    27 /4

    The Rape of Tilane
    Disaster / Destruction

    Tilane is destroyed by the dragon Ekraktiax at the head of a scalykind army.

  • The Beheading of the Wyrm
    Death of Ekraktriax
    Life, Death

    The First Coalition assassinates the dragon Ekraktiax

  • 110 Y

    28 /1
    114 Y

    10 /10

    Iliac Ascendant
    Cultural event

    Iliac is recruited, trained, and begins rallying the Maecodians against the occupying scalykind armies.

  • 118 Y

    1 /7
    119 Y

    15 /2

    Maecodian Unity
    Gathering / Conference

    Iliac is elected Edler

  • Griffon's Day
    Birth of the Griffons
    Discovery, Scientific

    Iliac is gifted the griffons by Cerin.

  • 121 Y

    The Battle of Crimson Rains
    Military action

    The griffin riders, basically at this time a mounted militia, defeat the wyvern riders.

  • 125 Y

    The Scalepurge
    Military action

    Iliac goes on the march, waging a brutal guerilla campaign which is forced further underground when the dragons Farraikex and Qondahal take over the scalykind occupying force. They're joined by the dwarves and elves in the First Coalition.

  • 128 Y

    The Elf Expedition
    Disaster / Destruction

    Two elven armies are trapped on the opposite side of the continent in the badlands and begin to starve.

  • 130 Y

    11 /8

    End of the War of Scales and Teeth
    Military action

    The leaders of the lizardfolk clans negotiate a peace with the Maecodians and settle in the swamps - far away from any territory of interest to humans.

    Additional timelines
  • 155 Y

    The Elfblight
    Military action

    The two lost armies emerge from the Badlands after years of starvation and unknown horrors. They indiscriminately attack the humans.

  • 158 Y

    Iliac Retires
    Political event

    Iliac retires, Elector Crekshallow is the new edler charged with defense of the confederation.

  • 158 Y

    The War of Elven Aggression
    Military action

    Elves refuse to aid the humans against their own kin, and a brutal, bloody war ensues before the invading elf armies are thrown back into the badlands.

  • 160 Y

    Founding of Lake Hope

    Lake Hope Canton is founded.

  • 180 Y

    Start of the Goblin Wars
    Military action

    Hobgoblins attack Lake Hope, but are rebuffed and forced into the Barrier Mountains where they begin a war of genocide against the dwarves.

  • 190 Y

    End of the First Goblin War
    Military action

    Hobgoblins break up into roving bands with no ability to establish permanency anywhere.

  • 195 Y

    Election of Gagsten
    Political event

    Edler Crekshallow retires. Elector Gagsten of Dalen is elected.

  • 205 Y

    Exterminatus of Yurt
    Disaster / Destruction

    A demonic incursion results in the Grand High Patron ordering a brutal and thorough purge. The Monastery of the Sun is founded.

  • 208 Y

    Edler Bilsery is Elected.

    Edler Gagsten dies. Elector Bilsery replaces him.

  • 212 Y

    The Building Years Begin

    The Building Years begin, the Maecodia Confederation is officially named.

  • 243 Y

    Bilsery II is Elected
    Political event

    Edler Bilsery dies. His son Bilsery the Lesser is elected.

  • 260 Y

    The Northern Acquisition
    Military action

    The Northrealm is annexed, becoming a new Canton.

  • 265 Y

    22 /8

    Edler Bilsery II is Killed.
    Life, Death

    Edler Bilsery is killed in a bandit ambush. The election is delayed during the investigation.

  • 266 Y

    Elector Graham is Elected Edler
    Political event

    Elector Graham is elected the next edler charged with protection of the realm.

  • 300 Y

    300 Y


    The First Crusade
    Religious event

    The First Crusade is a successful raid into Shelor, though no territory is gained.

  • 325 Y

    325 Y


    The Second Crusade
    Religious event

    The Second Crusade is launched and takes the city of Ssenessquitchitan, renamed Dawn's Redoubt. The conquered dragonborn are parceled out as serfs.

  • 328 Y

    Edler Hames is Elected
    Political event

    Edler Graham retires, Elector Hames is elected but earns the enmity of the Demiurgery

  • 330 Y

    The Third Crusade
    Disaster / Destruction

    Dawn's Redoubt is destroyed. Despite a few more successes, Maecodia loses its foothold in Shelor.

  • 369 Y

    Elector Lightfoot is Elected
    Political event

    Edler Hames retires, Elector Prowess Lightfoot is elected.

  • 410 Y

    The Triple Trade
    Financial Event

    Trade lanes are established between metallic dragons in Shalor and the beast races of Bebrea.

  • 480 Y

    Beginning of the Scourging
    Plague / Epidemic

    A plague sweeps the city environs of Maecodia's largest settlements, and the dead rise as undead.

  • 481 Y

    Two Electors Die
    Political event

    Edler Lightfoot and his replacement die of Ghoul Fever.

  • 482 Y

    The Headless Year
    Political event

    An election for a new edler charged with protection of the realm results in a majority abstention and a delayed result.

  • 483 Y

    Edler Thameson is Elected
    Political event

    Sir Thameson of Cambreath is elected the new Edler.

  • 484 Y

    The First Inquisition
    Military action
  • 512 Y

    The Butchery of the Bishops
    Religious event

    The Scourging continues. The Grand Temple is sacked and an avatar of Orcus sits on the throne once occupied by the High Grand Patrons. One in two humans have been killed.

  • 513 Y

    The Virgin Sacrifice
    Religious event

    Priestesses of the Virgins sacrifice themselves to entrap the avatar of Orcus into the Penumbral Ring, a badge of office for the edler charged with defense of the realm.

  • 514 Y

    Edler Piddlebottom is Elected
    Political event

    Edler Thameson dies. Elector Piddlebottom is elected.

  • 515 Y

    Return of the Elves
    Population Migration / Travel

    The elves return.

  • 530 Y

    Return of the Dwarves
    Financial Event

    Dwarves reopen their gates for commerce and reaffirm their alliance.

  • 531 Y

    Edler Intelliganz is Elected
    Political event

    Edler Piddlebottom resigns, Elector Intelliganz is elected.

  • 574 Y

    Edler Callez is Elected
    Political event

    Edler Intelliganz retires. Elector Callez is elected.

  • 600 Y

    The Ruinous Years Begin
    Disaster / Destruction

    Lake Hope is destroyed by goblins, and the goblin city of Shekec  is founded. The Badlands  now belong to the goblins.

  • 601 Y

    The Greenskin Invasion
    Military action

    The goblins invade Maecodia, and the elves counter-invade.

  • 605 Y

    The Year of Ruins
    Disaster / Destruction

    Two cities are destroyed by goblins.

  • 606 Y

    Tears of the Elves
    Military action

    Elves are beaten back into their forest, which they prepare to pull into the Feywild again. They unleash a magical plague into the goblin legions.

  • 607 Y

    End of the Ruinous Years
    Military action

    Humanity begins feeling the warp of the spellplague, the goblins flee to the Badlands, and the Halfling Trynwyse Ghostwise assassinates the Goblin High King Baduric.

  • 608 Y

    Edler Garibald is Elected
    Diplomatic action

    Halflings negotiate the Undertown Contract. Edleress Mira retires. She is replaced by Elector Garibald.

  • 609 Y

    The Wild Hunt Begins
    Military action

    Return of the elves. The Wild Hunt begins.

  • 610 Y

    End of the Wild Hunt
    Military action

    Elves sack many rural areas. Edler Garibald strikes down King Fildasian and the elves are routed.

  • 611 Y

    Peace With the Elves
    Diplomatic action

    Peace is brokered with the elves.

  • 612 Y

    Beginning of the Quiet Years
    Cultural event

    The cantons are redrawn to be only five, more or less equal in power.

  • 667 Y

    Edler Jantik is elected.
    Political event

    Edler Garibald retires, Elector Janik is elected.

  • 798 Y

    Edler Heath is Elected.
    Political event

    Edler Jantik dies, Elector Heath is elected.

  • 800 Y

    End of the Quiet Years
    Military action

    The Quiet Years end with an intermural warfare incident within Eldermeare.

  • 801 Y

    Edler Smeere is Elected
    Political event

    Edler Heath is removed and Elector Smeere is elected.

  • 825 Y

    Creation of the Margravy
    Political event

    Edler Smeere appoints the powers of Margrave to the position of the Elector of Cambreath

  • 828 Y

    Edleress Blaiza is Elected
    Political event

    Edler Smeere dies. Elector Blaiza is elected.

  • 830 Y

    Mage's Guild is Founded

    The Three Towers are built, and the Mage's Guild is founded.

  • 832 Y

    College of Questions is Founded

    The College of Questions is founded in opposition to the Mage's Guild

  • 850 Y

    The New Inquisition
    Disaster / Destruction

    The College of Questions destroyed the Tower of Bone, and attacked the Tower of Brass. The Tower of Brass destroyed the College of Quesitons.

  • 853 Y

    Edler Erastan is Elected.
    Political event

    Edleress retires. Elector Erastan is elected.

  • 855 Y

    The College of Questions is Fully Rebuilt
    Political event

    The College of Questions is rebuilt, and their new mission statement is to hunt down evil spellcasters.

  • 856 Y

    Rise of the Tower of Souls

    The Tower of Bone is reoccupied and renamed the Tower of Souls

  • 870 Y

    Edler Basin is Elected
    Political event
  • 871 Y

    The Third Inquisition
    Cultural event

    Due to the possibility that witches were behind the assassination of the last Edler, Edler Basin empowers the College of Questions to send out inquisitors in their masses.

  • 880 Y

    The Fourth Crusade
    Religious event

    Bishop Vander VI calls the Fourth Crusade against Shelor. A single dragon hoard is plundered, but the money is largely stolen by goblinoid pirates rather than going to the Church of the Demiurge

  • 882 Y

    The Fifth Crusade
    Religious event

    Bishop Vander declared a Fifth Crusade against the dragons. Many hoards are plundered.

  • 883 Y

    Edler Griswold is Elected
    Political event

    Elder Basin is poisoned. Elector Griswold is elected.

  • 890 Y

    The Elf Troubles
    Military action

    Border disputes and raids between elves and men begin in earnest.

  • 900 Y

    The Gutter Wars Begin
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The undead rise in hordes. These hordes become an instant existential threat to the human race.

  • 910 Y

    Destruction of the Gray Tide
    Military action

    Margrave Gims takes up a campaign to fight the roiling undead.

    Additional timelines
  • 910 Y

    30 /3 10:00
    910 Y

    30 /3 16:00

    Whitewater Crossing
    Military action

    The first attempt to cross Whitewater River ends in disaster for Margrave Gims' advance force.

    Additional timelines
  • 915 Y

    Destruction of the Wailing
    Military action

    Margrave Gims destroys the Wailing.

  • 918 Y

    Destruction of the Blue Death
    Military action

    Margrave Gims destroys the Blue Death

  • 929 Y

    Edler Yickalo is Elected
    Political event

    Edler Griswold is assasinated. Elector Yickalo is elected.

  • 935 Y

    The Rise of Questrin
    Military action

    Questrin gathers an army and defeats Margrave Gims in battle.

  • 936 Y

    The Sixth Crusade is Declared
    Religious event

    Bishop Vander VI declares the Sixth Crusade.

  • 937 Y

    Questrin is Defeated
    Military action

    Margrave Gims takes command of the Sixth Crusade and leads them to victory against Questrin.

  • 940 Y

    The Wupan Campaign
    Military action

    Margrave Gims wins a pyrrhic victory against ancient undead in Wupan.

  • 950 Y

    Death of Margrave Gims
    Military action

    Margrave Gims is assassinated. The Sixth Crusade shatters into hundreds of undisciplined mobs.

  • 951 Y

    End of the Sixth Crusade
    Religious event

    The new Bishop declares success of the Sixth Crusade despite opposition.

  • 954 Y

    Beginning of the Stackel Revolt

    The Stackel Revolt, Brass Tower promises aid.

  • 955 Y

    The Brass Tower Marches
    Military action

    Brass Tower receives a letter of mark from the Edler and march against the Stackel Revolt.

  • Picnic on Pretty Hill
    Battle of Villen Downs
    Military action

    Archmage Dulacar interrupts a recruiting effort by the rebels, winning a decisive victory.

  • 956 Y

    7 /11

    The Stackel Revolt Ends
    Military action

    The Archmage ends the Stackel Revolt with a series of decisive victories.

  • 957 Y

    The Great Drought Ends
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Druids work together across the continent to end the drought.

  • 958 Y

    The Top Halpin Affair
    Diplomatic action

    Tension rises over the prisoners taken by the Brass Tower.

  • 959 Y

    The Gadfly Horror
    Diplomatic action

    Archmage Dulacar calls Edler Yickalo's bluff.

  • 960 Y

    End of the Brass Tower Tensions
    Diplomatic action

    Edler Yickalo asks the College of Questions to attack the Brass Tower. They refuse. Yickalo declares the matter settled.

  • 968 Y

    11 /4
    968 Y

    21 /9

    The Flame War
    Military action

    Trolls from the Bulwarks cause pain and suffering in an attempt to extort settlements in the Foothills.

  • 973 Y

    Rise of the Colossus
    Construction beginning/end

    Acting on prophecy, the Gold Tower erects the Colossus.

  • 983 Y

    Rise of the Deep God

    The Primal Cults become a geopolitical factor, bringing the count of accepted religions in Maecodia to three and resulting in fierce competition.

  • 986 Y

    25 /12
    987 Y

    16 /11

    The Doomed Crusade
    Military action

    A crusade is called against the greenskins, ending in disaster.

  • 989 Y

    Edler Yickalo Disappears.
    Political event

    Edler Yickalo disappears.

  • 990 Y

    17 /2

    Edler Gantor is Elected
    Political event

    Elector Gantor succeeds at having Edler Yickalo declared dead, is elected Edler.