Iliac Ascendant

Cultural event


Iliac is recruited, trained, and begins rallying the Maecodians against the occupying scalykind armies.

A wizard named Cerin Gorbil (relation to Havanneni unknown) arrives in a refugee camp nestled at the base of the Barrier Mountains. He seeks out and discovers Iliac, son of Kerwyn. The boy is already a talented swordsman at 16 and is leading a street gang of thugs that terrorize the other refugees (and occasionally the scalykind). Cerin takes the boy and educates him in strategy and politics for months, and he evidently was a natural leader.   He passes on his training to his gang and they begin to visit refugee camps. They collect able-bodied young men and ambush scalykind when they can, gathering reputation and booty. Entire camps begin to follow the merry band, and Iliac is forced to find places to put permanent settlements. The foundations for the capitols of most future cantons are laid in this time period.   A wizard named Cerin Gorbil (relation to Havanneni unknown) found Kerwyn’s son Iliac and began training. The settlements are founded that would become the capitols for all of the future cantons.