Zimet's Stand

Military action


Wight Lord Zimet is isolated and destroyed with his entire force.

Wight Lord Zimet is sighted marshaling a large force into the Gagatha Ruins by the Cambreath Griffin Knights. Identified as one of the commanders responsible for the destruction of the original Central Cambreath Balatar, Festig demands a crushing blow. Seeing an opportunity for defeat in detail, Margrave Gims concurs and dispatches Bailiff Festig, Captain Illianic, Chief Morokh, and Undermayor Chinawis to conduct a forced march. He dispatches the Griffin Knights to interfere with any possible reinforcements. For the first time in the Gutter Wars, the living outnumbers the dead. The contingent hits Gagatha early in the morning, finding that the ruin has been built up with logs harvested from the nearby Gagatha Petrified Forest to be a serviceable fortress. Frustrated, Captain Illianic orders the creation of siege towers. On the night before their planned attack, wight partisans burn the towers down, and Illianic has to rethink. Unknown to him, the Griffin Knights win two engagements to keep reinforcements from arriving. Marching under a shield wall, the Central Cambreath Balatar withstood the stones and arrows of the defenders until they were nestled against the base of the wall. The halflings who had been sheltered under the balatar’s shields passed forward bag after bag of dirt. When the formation marched away again, there was a dirt ramp a third of the way up the wall. Twice more they conducted this maneuver, and the last time they marched away the wall was only a hop away. In the early evening, Illianic led his home guard in a charge up the hill. The Central Cambreath Balatar was hot on his heels, screaming the names of their loved ones that had died in the Whitewater Crossing. At the same time, Chinawis burst from the cistern with a seemingly endless flood of halfling commandos. They hit the rear of the undead defenders, causing confusion and disarray by targeting the enemy officers commanding their mindless kin. In less than an hour, the bare remnant of intelligent undead – no more than 800 – fled from the eastern gates. There, they found the centaurs ready for a charge, and were run down to the last wight. When the sun set, the formations broke apart and the corpses were finished, mutilated, looted, and dumped into a mass grave. When stock was taken the next morning, it was discovered that 3188 undead had been destroyed, while the attackers suffered only injuries, no fatalities.

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The Gutter Wars