The New Inquisition

Disaster / Destruction


The College of Questions destroyed the Tower of Bone, and attacked the Tower of Brass. The Tower of Brass destroyed the College of Quesitons.

The New Inquisition began with an elf-sponsored attack on the Tower of Bone by the College of Questions. The necromancers were scattered and their tower torn down, going underground into barely connected cells and hiding from the inquisitors. The Mage’s Guild protested, and the College of Questions responded by attacking the Tower of Brass, which resulted in the near-total annihilation of the New Inquisition. Edleress Blaiza intervened, demanding a blood geld be payed by the College of Questions, which they payed. Unsatisfied, the Brass Tower launched an attack on the College itself. The majority of remaining inquisitors were slaughtered, a few thousand captured, and the High Inquisitor Council was turned into stone and brought back to the Brass Tower to be displayed as agonized, screaming statuary. The Edleress declared the feud over by decree and promised to punish any further actions.

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