Banners Over Wupan

Military action


Margrave Gims sends out a desperate plea for reinforcements. To his surprise, his successes (which he views as barely hanging in) attract thousands.

Margrave Gims sends out a call for reinforcements. To his surprise, they come. 1541 come from South Cambreath to join their neighbors bringing the South Cambreath Balatar up to 1630. Another 1429 come from North Cambreath, which makes their number 2017. Fuller’s brother Magistrate Franzig arrives with a whole new Central Cambreath Balatar (calling themselves the Rancorous Rudeboys) numbering 1892. From Wupan, a 1723-strong group of Eastern Wupan balatari arrives a few days later. Reinforcements fill out the ranks of the Cambreath Home Guard, recouping their losses and bringing them back to their full strength of 300. A company of halfling partisans 1422 strong arrive as well, led by Undermayor Chinawis of Lorical. Elder Em Sunstone recruits another 1947 manitari, bringing their infantry up to 3105, and she rounds out the partisans to an even 700. Seeking revenge for a previous raid by the Gray Tide, a centaur named Morokh swears to fight with Gims until they are both ready for the pasture. Morokh brings a band of 280 centaur warriors. Throughout this affair, the undead attempt several times to hamper the reinforcements but they wind up spreading themselves too thin and losing several thousand in the process while failing to inflict any casualties. Gims’ coalition ends the month with 13,393 warriors: 280 cavalry, 30 air cavalry, 2122 partisan infantry, 7262 balatari, 3405 infantry, and 294 marines. It is the largest force assembled under the Maecodian Banners in living memory.

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