Airman's Tarot Procedure

WHAT FOLLOWS IS THE ALPHA DRAFT OF THE RULES FOR TAROT.    Overview: The Tarot are read by a DIVINER (player or NPC) who has been trained in the cards. ANY PLAYER, regardless of experience, can DIVINE, but the chances of a false or negative reading decrease based on the experience of the DIVINER.   To perform a READING, draw three cards. Follow the DETAILED PROCEDURES below.   The results of the READING, in terms of MECHANICS, will generate TWO things: a. a luck score, which determines what EFFECT the reading will have on the session: 
  • misreading/false: no negative effect other than the party may make false choices
  • cursed: the reading influences events in a negative way. The session becomes more challenging.
  • true: there are no positive or negative effects on the party. However, the prophecy is true.
  • blessed: the reading influences events in a positive way. The session becomes easier or you get bonuses.
b. a group-sourced interpretation of the reading which will change events in the session!   You will be given the raw meaning of the cards, but YOU form the interpretation of how those three meanings go together. The DM will tweak events to incorporate your reading.   Examples of Tarot Reading   
    1. CHOOSE DIVINER: One player will act as DIVINER. You cannot DIVINE two sessions in a row. You may hire or ask an experienced DIVINER. The more experience you have, the better the READING Will be.   2. ROLL INSIGHT+DIVINING BONUS: The DIVINER rolls an INSIGHT CHECK, adding any DIVINING BONUS (usually a +1 for Beginners)   3. DM DOES SHIT: The DM compares the roll to a HIDDEN THRESHOLD which will determine if the Divination will be MISREAD, CURSED, NORMAL, BLESSED. Players will be told ONLY that the reading is a. EITHER MISREAD or CURSED or b. NORMAL or BLESSED.   4. PLAYERS DRAW THREE CARDS ONE CARD AT A TIME:  Once done, the DIVINER or HELPERS will draw three cards, ONE at at time. We are imagining that the character is drawing a card from a shuffled deck, and turning it over to reveal its face.   5. DM DOES MORE SHIT: For each card, the GM will give the usual meanings of the card. Mechanically, the DM will look up the card on a table which will give the LUCK VALUE of that card ... a number between -3 and 3.   6. DM CALCULATES LUCK STORE:  DM will add this to your LUCK SCORE for the day. He will NOT reveal this score, but will hint at it through the card meanings.    7. PARTY-SOURCED INTERPRETATIONNow the fun bit: the PLAYERS will take all of the interpretations of each card and BUILD a READING themselves. Whether or not this reading comes true, and HOW it comes true, will be a direct result of today's LUCK SCORE.


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