God Eaters

"Before there was Time, before there was Anything, there was Nothing. And before there was Nothing, there were Monsters."
-- From "An Everlasting Dreame, or The Tyme of Adventures," by Seokim and Somvilay of Candlekeep

One of the most terrifying stories of the Creation of the Planes is that of the God Eaters. These creatures, according to Sage Seokim and Elder Somvilay of Candlekeep, existed long before the universe, before time, matter and even magic as we understand it.   The myth is common to many traditions and in many sacred texts, including the High Elvish Samsalad, the Rock Dwarvish Forging of the Walls of Lamak and the Gnomish prophet Hisinburb's Expostulations on the Nature of Subvisible Structural Vibrations (Third Edition)   All share the following details:
  • the God Eaters are eternally hungry
  • they devour Gods. The texts differ as to why they do this. The Samsalad claims that they are FIDEVORES, devouring faith and belief. The Expostulations describe them as "drawn to the higher energy states which resonate from supra- and ultraplanar beings as described by Hisinburb's "Non sum certus" equation: pq − qp = h/2πi". The Dwarvish Lamak says "They are wicked evil bastards that need a good smiting whenever you clap eyes on them. Amen."
  • there is some suggestion that the near-invocation of the God Eaters is one of the reasons the Dwarves of Law disappeared all at once.
  • they are beyond concepts like good and evil, law and chaos. They have hunger that makes a Black Star replete."
They are nasty, is what I'm saying. Only a fool would bring them back.


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Jul 15, 2023 20:07 by Britt

"Only a fool would bring them back." So how big a fool is the man behind the curtain? OR Who are they working for? And WHY?

Jul 20, 2023 17:54

He’s is the worst kind of Fool … the kind that thinks he Knows.