Greater Antorian Shipping Cartel

The most powerful economic organization in the Twin Crowns empire, with influence extending throughout the World of Ba'Sal .    In many regions, such as Cloudhook , they act as de facto governments and public figures, maintaining public works, operating courts and tribunals, and "regularizing and standardizing" trade. Working closely with Twin Crown's Royal Navy in each region, they also enforce laws and maintain the peace.    GASC Known Members   Unferth Fran-uran Defeth: CEO of the GASC, operating out of High City of Rozam-ta, capital of the Twin Crowns. She is a wealthy confidente to at least one of the Queens.    Blendo Chief Administrator of Cloudhook Greater Shipping Region. An extremely portly halfling. Friendly and diplomatic and probably dangerous. His position within the GASC is Regional Senior Manager.


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