Hugert Honagolin

aka the Dread Pirate Honagolin, the Emperor of Pirates, Hugert the Bloody, Hugert the Flayer, Pappa Huge
  The mythical and most feared of the Air Pirates near Cloudhook. The main figure in the "Songs of the Sons of the Air" by Grimjack.
  Be sure when you're sailin', carried out by the wind
Sail away from Honag'lin and all of his kin!
The flayer of dreams and the master of sin
Will eat up your meat and sup on your skin.

  The Twin Crown naval dogs seeks him
The Corsair of Depra, he flees him
The Grim Lady Emer'ld desires him
But he's gone like a dream when they find him.

Off into the Nothing he goes then
To his home the Expanse he has chosen.
To his fortress Expanse to repose in
Til its once again time for spilled blood!

  So sail not too far West then, good airiners
And avoid the Black Marlin like death.
For if you meet Hugert he will tear ya
And laughs as he sips your last breath!

So be sure when you sail, guard your riches
For it's for them Honagolin itches 
He'll be sure that there's piss in your britches 
And then smile as he tears out your soul.
Air Pirates


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Jul 16, 2023 01:35

Now this has the looks of an interesting character. I'm always interested in the past experiences of characters like this. Are they truly villainous or just someone who's responding to the cards that life has dealt to them?

Jul 20, 2023 17:56

You can ask him if you survive the meeting.