Session 20: The Black Marlin

General Summary

18th Eleasis
The party prepares to fight an alien, adamantine creature with a looking glass showing a Giff pirate. As they each hit the automaton, they realize Wibbles and Midnight both have enough adamantine to damage it, while Heca, Anya’s arrows, and Silas’s Rapier of Warning do not. Eventually, Silas’s rapier breaks, prompting Sikander to toss Skybreaker over, ensuring the gnome has a weapon. At this point, he shifts into a Giff and convinces the one on the “screen” that he has control of the ship. They then finish off the construct and Sikander (with Tal and Stefan helping) finds a ball connected to it. As he disconnects the ball, energy courses through it, nearly exploding, then calms enough for him to stow it in his pack.
Meanwhile, Anya, Silas, and Rayne take off for the control room, avoiding any traps Tago set and they get the ship moving toward the opposite side of the moon. Once they are moving, an alert goes off indicating the Giff ship cruising behind them. Rayne goes back downstairs to get the Bash Bros to help send exploding barrels toward the ship.
Anya takes off searching for Tago and asks Silas to search for any traps the pirate may have set. During her search, Silas finds seven traps all over the bridge and he deftly disarms and stows the components for use later. Anya finds Tago, is nearly shot in the face, then with Silas’s help knocks him out and ties him up. She is visibly enraged, and Silas shifts to look like Anya then calls her out for having a hot temper.
Below deck, Rayne, Sikander, and Stefan load the barrels in the airlock, then after a round of shenanigans Stefan and Sikander are nearly sent out with the explosives. Rayne manages to pull them in while Silas turns off the safety protocol for the door, which prevents Sikander from being sent out into space, but damages the door as it explodes.
Once Silas senses they are safe, he asks Locastor to have the ship go as fast as is safe (12 etherical miles versus the maximum 17 the ship can go). Everyone is sent flying as it takes off, and the ship travels about forty-five minutes before another explosion goes off. Another vessel appears out one of the windows and at the explosion Locaster’s head drops forward, unconscious. Wanting to help the elf, Anya casts cure wounds and the elf reawakens, freaking out and not understanding what is happening, telling them all her name is Re Rilka. While reassuring her everything is fine, she tells them her father warned her that her dreams would be her undoing. Anya starts to panic at the plight of the elf while Rayne and Silas spot a large glossy, black ship attaching itself to the ship. A negative energy field surrounds them, bringing the Spelljammer to a halt. Rayne gets everyone to go to the cargo bay, again, to meet the boarding party.
Rayne goes in first and is met with an arrow shot at him and told to surrender the vessel. A large group is waiting, including a mechanical pirate, a trio of gnolls, a parrot aarakocra, and a kenku.
After a tense discussion, including Silas attempting single combat for the ship, he shifts tactics and offers information instead – two words and then insisting on a meeting with captain. As he shares “Emeraldus” and “Harlock” the party quiets, then tells him only the captain can grant an audience, but they are welcome aboard, provided they put on the bracelets that prevent them from attacking anyone. Everyone except Sikander puts theirs on without issue – he jams his in a way that he can slip it off without any of them noticing.
During all of this, Tago is also offered (while unconscious) as part of the deal and they were all excited to see him – he is very unpopular among the crew and they are told to say their goodbyes as he would not likely survive his visit with Hugert. Everyone is then loaded into the large wooden cabinet with seats, and it takes off with great speed back up the tube into the massive pirate ship. As they disembark, there is jeering and laughter at their bracelets from the dozens of pirates walking by. Not long after they arrive on deck, a woman, elf in appearance appears and reaches out to Anya’s mind before switching to speaking aloud. They learn she is Lamae, and that she is not an elf, and that she does not remember the place she is from. Anya pulls Silas into the conversation, and he shares with her via mindlink that they bring greetings from Esmeraldus. It is wise not to speak that name aloud on the ship and she advises them to be careful mentioning her or Harlock, especially with Hugert, lest they end up with their faces on his wall.
They are then led to the brig by Fedders the parrot aarakocra down to brig. As they walk, two conversations occur:
1) Silas asks Lamae if she can sense Sense within his mind and shares the entity would love to speak with her as it is a seeker of knowledge and experiences.
2) Sikander, as soon as he is on deck, begins humming the pirate song about Hugert and Fedders tells him he wrote it. They also discover their shared Tymoran connection, and that Fedders is a member of the Sikkies.
The party is led down a winding pathway and to an opening into the keel that is obviously used as a trough for all the ship’s waste. While the others climb into the hole, Sikander manages to get an invite to stay with Fedders instead and leaves them for the night, promising to get the best food sent to them. (Which does not happen).
Before they rest for the night (very uncomfortably), Anya and Silas discuss Skybreaker and its importance to Sikander, then Silas shares more about his journey, including the Gloam, his missing sister Samyra, and his desire to be free of his pact. They all discuss rough ideas on how to proceed the next day, then decide to try weakening the bracelets with the poison sac they’d collected before. They manage to break and mend Silas, Rayne, Stefan, and Anya’s bracelets, leaving Tal’s intact. As they finish, the deep voice of Sikander can be heard singing above. The dwarf is shown around the ship and is eventually introduced to a githyanki woman named Senda, who is enamored with Sikander, showing the tattoo of him on her arm. (I am not crazy, just a pirate!) Senda continues to touch Sikander whenever she speaks to him, even as Fedders shows him around the room with mummified faces.
19th Eleasis
The next morning, Sikander arrives with Fedders and Senda in tow to collect his friends for their meeting with Hugert in his private chambers. While they are being let out, Anya takes issue with Senda and the two clearly do not like each other, with Senda obviously jealous of Anya. They are all led out to clean off and then off toward Hugert’s room.


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