Session 26: Fight and Flight at the Odeum

General Summary

As the Fight in the Odeum breaks out, half the crowd reveals themselves as vampires and begins attacking the rest of the room, while the walls seem to come to life and have figures fly off of them.
Each of the party does the best they can as they deal with the monsters around them while trying to get to safety.
Bear Anya, Sikander, and Silas fight on the upper floor with cherubs and harpies while Offa continues his search for them. Sikander, seeing the two have their fight in hand, jumps off the balcony to support his mentor General Pelonius of the Terrible 21st.
Around the room, gold demon cherubs are attacking the guests and party, in Lord Mirt’s box, the daughter has attacked the mother and eats her while Mirt watches, applauding.
Silas and Anya continue fighting, Silas seeing red and making his way to the balcony, slipping away from Anya trying to scoop him up and run. Offa goes flying by and gives the gnome a toss into Lord Mirt’s box, then avoids the singing witch and heads for the green room.
As Silas lands, Lord Mirt is kissing his wife’s head and talking to it while their daughter eats her body. Silas takes his sword to Mirt’s throat, demanding answers: Where is Samyra, the door, The Gloaming?
Finally, with Silas agreeing to leave his wife alive, she starts speaking and giving him answers:
She doesn’t know where Samyra is but shares the Dragon’s Tooth Step in a rumored place, the country of McTyre. Little girl hisses at him, so he takes one of the bombs, forces it into the wife’s mouth, and jumps off the balcony as it explodes.
While he is in the box, Sikander and the 21st continue getting folks to evacuate the theater, Anya walls the witch in with fire, protecting the crowd from spells for a moment, while Offa heads for the green room.
Injured from the fall, Silas catches up with Offa and they head off together, looking for the mirror.
Back in the theater, the witch curses Anya, then petrifies General Pelonius, leaving Sikander to share a few final moments with his old mentor. The siblings then have a bit of a squabble around leaving, with Sikander throwing Anya, only to have her reappear and refuse to leave him, all while dealing with the witch and undead all around them.
In the green room, Silas and Offa find a note that says, “Remember, DON’T say it” along with a peacock feather, a lucky coin, a lump of old makeup, and a Cross of Osiris. They continue to go back and forth, trying to work out the riddle when a message comes to Silas from Anya, wanting to know where they are.
Learning the others are in the green room, Anya grabs Sikander and convinces him to follow her onto the stage and head for the green room as well. Once up there, a pool of spotlight hits him and Sikander feels a sense of belonging there on the stage, as if that is where he was meant to be. Urging him on, and the theater still in complete disarray, they leave and find the others solving the riddle, that the thing you don’t say in a theater is MacBeth. The mirror opens and they all run in, finding an old storage room. As the mirror door closes behind them, they finally have a chance to slow down and catch their breath.
Finding spots to sit and recover, Silas downs his potion, while Anya goes around the room healing each of them. As she does, Sikander compliments Silas on his new gold look and the fury with which he fought, while Offa, instinctually peck out one of the pieces and then stops, realizing what he’d just done. "Oh. Sorry about that, Silas” and returns the gold piece to him.
Silas looks around the group, apologizing, “Sorry about that. Don't know what came over me. But it probably was one of the most significant moments in my life, so.... Also... I can't promise, but I'll try to stay more level-headed next time."
Anya, very worried about Silas, hugs him, and reminds him of what Sikander said early in the evening. "He helped find my sister. Now we are looking for his...and Samyra. Do not apologize for caring so deeply about finding her. (pulls out a worn book and flips to Rule 28) That is one Sikander taught me... "You can't help the needy if you're dead." It is easier said than done, but a good one to remember." She then settles into her trance to rest, planning to meditate when she wakes.
Sikander cleans his pipe, walks wearily around the small room and puts his hand on Silas' shoulder. "Now lad, don't make foolish promises that you cannot keep. That was SPECTACULAR! If we're to enter the Foaming and return to your sister, we'll need a bit more of Mad Silas and little less Sad Silas before we're done! And just to be clear, a Mad Silas is just as welcome as a Glad Silas with us. Afterall, if I had a dozen Mad Silas' with me at the Parnastian Steppes, I could've cleared 'em out of every orc, goblin, and spider in a halfday! Hahaha! So, I say bring on more of Master Mad Silas and we'll see this through in no time! Everyone, let's raise our wineskins in a toast to Mad Silas and his noble quest to return his sister from The Foaming!"
{Sikander would then continue to clean his pipe while taking up his familiar position of watching over his sister protectively as she falls deep into meditation.}
Report Date
05 Nov 2023


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