Anya Galanodel

Councilwoman Anya Galanodel (a.k.a. Little One, Child)

(A sideways glance with a mischievous grin toward her brother, Anya may answer) If formal introductions are to be given, then I suppose I am Anya Galanodel, Daughter of Eldith and Pakian Sister to Aeminka and Sikander, Bonded with Tal Broken, chosen, and called to return, Hunter, Seeker, Protector

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is tall and lean muscled from years of ranging. Not physically imposing, but has a fairly developed endurance about her.

Body Features

She has let her dark brown/black hair grow out nearly to her shoulders, held back by a headband adorned with a moonstone cut into Sehanine's symbol. Her high pointed ears are pierced on the ends with a thin silver and bronze earring on each ear.

Facial Features

Bright green eyes with deep gold flecks throughout them, and a light dusting of freckles dot her otherwise plain, pale face.

Identifying Characteristics

Should you catch her with her shirt raised, she has two nasty scars above her right hip, one on the front and a matching one on her back. They line up a little too well and resemble the scarring a sword would leave.   She also has a fist sized tattoo on the inside of her right forearm. The crescent and full moon of Sehanine is just visible with the silver white "ink" that was used. In certain circumstances as a warning, it will change color to a solid black. This tattoo identifies her as a member of the Sentinels of the Moonbow, an order dedicated to the protection of elven souls and the eradication of undead and those who interfere with the natural cycle.

Physical quirks

Other than the hidden scar and her unusually bright green eyes, not too much stands out about Anya. Ask her brother, though, and he will insist you check for extra toes or a tail.

Special abilities

Anya has many gifts, including:
  • the ability to become a variety of land and sea animals at will. Her favorites are the direwolf, lioness, and the one time she managed a purple monarch.
  • an excellent tracker, especially for dragons, orcs, dwarves, and undead
  • has a much easier time traversing and ranging through the mountains, grasslands, and forests
  • Always learning more about her magic, including the innate ability to blink like Tal

Apparel & Accessories

She wears her wooden linked chain shirt most of the time over her comfortable green traveling shirt, with soft, well worn brown leather pants and boots. On her back is the druidic shield made of enchanted wood and a leather armband with Rillifane's oak etched onto it.   She never goes anywhere without these key items:
  • Winter's Dawn (a magical longbow of woven branches gifted from the Lunar Lady and Relkath at the Feast of the Moon)
  • Thundergrace (a Steelestone family handaxe with a four leaf clover etched into the blade given as a promise from Sikander)
  • Heca (long trusted shortword she had silvered and enchanted herself)
  • A small pouch full of her most precious belongings, including a driftglobe (once belonging to her dear friend Vallic), the wolf-carved flute that once belonged to her father, Pakian, a small hand-made doll, several sending stones, and the last letter her mother wrote.
Around her neck is a simple leather cord with a solid black stone, a plain silver band with "A" etched into it, and a single manticore claw hung from it.   On her left pointer finger is the magical ring granting her the ability to spare those who are dying.

Specialized Equipment

Her companion Tal the Blink Dog stands nearly three feet tall at his shoulders, with a brindled brown and black coat. His intelligent eyes are a single crystal blue and a deep, pure gold. He wears a special harness made of leather and covered in white dragon scales that grant him additional protection while allowing him to channel a single spell through the harness once a day. Tal also has a deep love of treats, even if he cannot understand what is being said to him. Especially from a certain dwarf.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Anna spent her first seventy years experiencing village life growing up in New Sharandar, alongside her parents and closest friends, Raellir prominent among them. Her world changed dramatically when she nearly died, while losing Rae and her entire village to a deadly orc attack. After burying her loved ones, she remained with Elelor for fifteen years, until their own death and her "Drawing of the Veil". Choosing her new name, Anya went on her own for the next five years, eventually reaching her lowest point, leaving it up to the forest whether she would continue. Continue she did, finally ready to seek purpose and healing, and found herself in the small town of Phandalin, assisting with the removal of a young white dragon. While here, she met a variety of characters, including Sikander, Zane, and Zefor, bonded with her closest companion Tal, faced death in Sikander and herself, battled the cults of Talos, Yeeonoghu, "met" a new sister (Katha), encountered Sehanine at the Feast of the Moon, defeated Cryovain the white dragon, and joined the Phandalin Council. Oh yes, and Sikander adopted Anya as his sister, naming her one of the Angelborne. Heading north, Ora Vitae searched for Zefor's tribe, and when unsuccessful, eventually brought Anya back home and discovered an old teacher and friend, Nambra Valris. During their brief stay with Nambra, the Great Oak's portal to the Feywild was forced open (causing damage) and brought everyone to a new plane. Their time here was exciting, confusing, and painful as they encountered an ever-changing environment, jokes with the goblin Knarf, Sikander fading away (thanks to flowers, butterflies, and the interference of the gods) and Shalmar Mithrilborne taking his place. One encounter was the Fey Bathhouse, a source of discovery, bonding, healing, and questions before a fight has Shalmar take "possession" of it. They also find Old Sharandar, bringing Nambra and Anya back home and learning many of the village had survived the attack on their home so long ago. While rekindling old relationships, some of the group interacted with the Archfey Zybilna and made a few deals, including the restoration of Sikander. To return home, they took on the task of removing the hag, Griselda (also connected to Anya from her time in Neverwinter). Back in the Material realm, they traveled to Luskan, had several sightings of a black stag that had been dogging them since Shalmar appeared, had several small interactions while hunting the hag, including Nambra inducting Anya into the Sentinels of the Moonbow. After the Hags destruction, they return to the forest and found Zefor's tribe and family, cleared an Eldathyn shrine of undead, returned Nambra to New Sharandar, then left for Phandalin and Axeholm. This trip ended with Sikander nearly crushed in a cave in, Zefor and Anya shooting and killing the black stag (now confirmed as belonging to Beshaba) and setting their course for Leilon. Leilon held many challenges, among them further fighting with Talos and Myrkul cultists, bargaining with Lizardfolk in the Marsh, saving Aemi (finally allowing Anya to connect with her sister), coming across Saje and Choz (Sikander’s siblings) and finally being forced to leave Sikander with them so he could help his family deal with Veverell and the Cherry Blossom Society. After the separation, Anya and the others went on to investigate the Eldathyn Shrine, defeat a Hydra, seek guidance from the Bronze Dragon, defeat Thalivar's Ghost (Anya's permanently ages), deal with Talos cultists on an undead Dreadnaught, and finally defeat an aspect of Talos in a statue within the Wayside Inn. Returning to Leilon, a fight with Talos’s sorceress led to the death of their companion Zane. After this, Zefor and Anya deal with a curse from Beshaba (eventually facing her within her own halls and “winning” the game of chance to spare Anya and her claim on Sikander). With the warning of the great bronze dragon in mind, they went to Claugiyiamatar, the ancient green dragon and make a deal to clear her lair in exchange for her leaving Leilon alone. What follows was the possession of Claugiyiamatar by Ebondeath the undead ancient black dragon, and a massive siege on Leilon while several parties came searching for a relic call the Ruinstone. From here, it is assumed she and the others save Leilon and finally bring Ebodeath to bare. Once the town is secured, Zefor returned with his family to their traveling tribe while Anya and Aemi made the trek south to Waterdeep to repay a debt. Unable to locate Sikander while there, the sisters return to Leilon and further north to Axeholm, where she is finally reunited with her brother, as well as a few others who had answered her call for help. The pair, along with Tal, will spend the next year preparing for their next steps in dealing with the Cherry Blossom Society and locating the other missing members of Sikander’s family. Anya would spend part of that year maintaining her political connections, continuing her training as a Sentinel and a druid, and take time to visit her village in the Feywild.


She is interested in men, but her experience in any relationship situation is extremely limited. She has loved one and lost him before they could be more than friends. She attempted trusting one other, to her detriment, and has avoided allowing anyone that close romantically since.


Growing up, the adults communally taught any of the kids, and encouraged them to seek out mentors for their desired focus. Keaden became Anna's mentor, confidante, and friend as she learned druidcraft from the wise, older elf.   Years later, she decided against her planned training in Evereska with Daynore Willowbreath, and remained with Elelor learning the ways of ranging for 15 years.


From the time she left home, Anna and Elelor would take jobs guiding caravans traveling all across northern Faerun. Following their death, Anya would continue this until deciding to answer a call for help to deal with a dragon. This would lead to her eventual partnership with a variety of others who would become Ora Vitae, the adventuring party that truly lived life on the edge.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Anya would scoff at being asked this question, insisting there was nothing of note. Then, with prying, she would reluctantly list:
  • Ora Vitae's defeat of the young adult white dragon
  • Assisting in the establishment of the township of Phandalin (removing a corrupt leader, saving Sikander, clearing the name of a friend, and her election to the council)
  • Assisting in the dismissal of Fraz-Urb'luu and the destruction of his monastery built in Neverwinter
  • The defeat of the Hag, Grizzelda after a difficult visit to the Feywild
  • Returning to Sehanine and dedicating herself as a Sentinel
  • Thanks to a certain dwarf, allowing herself to heal and slowly return to her original goals and sense of self
  • The defeat of a green dragon establishing a lair near Neverwinter
  • Finally locating her sister, Aeminka Danzeral
  • The Black Stag...its death confuses her and is viewed in some ways as a failure and an accomplishment
  • Working to clear undead throughout the Sword Coast, especially around Eldathyn shrines
  • Finding Nambra Valris and reuniting with the remaining members of her village, especially Bry
  • Winning a game of chance with Beshaba (although she is unconvinced it was truly a win)
  • Assisting Sikander in securing Axeholm as a base of operations
  • Successfully preventing Yeenoghu from gaining a hold on the Sword Coast by destroying his patrols group north of Neverwinter (nearly total loss for Ora Vitae at the time)
  • Stopping Talos and his Anchorites from overrunning the region, at a heavy cost

Failures & Embarrassments

Some of these are shared quietly, others she is more comfortable sharing:
  • Freezing when Raellir came to save her
  • The Neverwinter Shuffle
  • Allowing Ebondeath to possess Claugiayamatar
  • Dying by will-o-wisps
  • Being unable to protect Zane from Talos' sorcerer, leading to their death
  • Unable to help the Angelborne and Sikander and leaving him behind
  • Unable to stop Sikander from entering the flowers, leading to his loss of memory and self, bringing Shalmar out
  • The Black Stag...its death confuses her and is viewed in some ways as a failure and an accomplishment
  • Walking away from Sehanine in her youth
  • Allowing Gallius to sacrifice the innocents to Fraz-Urb'luu
  • Telling Morven and Keyna that Raellir was killed
  • Their epic failure at the Fey bathhouse
  • The harm caused to the Great Oak when entering the Feywild and the consequences of that choice

Mental Trauma

These may also fall under Failures and Embarrassments:
  • Raellir's death
  • The destruction of her village, especially the death of her parents
  • Her childhood reveries and past lives
  • Sikander's death
  • Zane's death
  • Her own death
  • Damaging the Great Oak
  • Allowing Gallius to sacrifice the innocents and Sikander being forced to be bait.
  • Watching Sikander fade and become Shalmar, having to attack him, and the choices made in order to restore Sikander to his rightful place
  • The argument with Keyna

Intellectual Characteristics

She can be emotional in her decision making, especially when innocent lives or those she cares about are involved. This has led to her freezing instead of committing to a decision. Anya is more openminded, lacking the traditional xenophobic tendencies many elves are known for and will generally attempt diplomacy to avoid outright conflict. Impulsivity comes and goes with her, leading to a variety of moments that she is both proud and embarrassed of.

Morality & Philosophy

While raised to follow Sehanine and her doctrine, Anya drew her sense of right and wrong from the past lives she saw each night for several decades. She watched as her soul, through various incarnations, choose to live selfish, destructive, and harmfully chaotic lives and brought predominantly more heartache, pain, and even death than anything else to the world.   Determined to be better, to heal the brokenness her soul carried, she swore to protect others, be they animal, person, or plant, whenever possible. She would not lie to those around her, nor would she engage in betraying others. Instead, she would be open and honest, opting for trust and welcoming to set the tone for interactions instead of confrontation.   Something that was "right" led to the good of most, if not all, affected.


As rule, does not drink except in VERY specific circumstances and avoids overly busy taverns until comfortable.   She will not hunt frivolously, holding to her oath to protect an elven souls that are within the surrounding wildlife.

Personality Characteristics


Protecting the innocent in whatever situation she is placed in. When family or children are involved, she becomes especially invested. She is also especially protective of Aemi, Tal, and Sikander - any threat against them will drive and motivate her.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She is great with a bow, and she knows it. She excels tracking dragons, orcs, undead, and dwarves (ask her about that sometime) and can guide anyone through forests, grasslands, and mountains with relative ease. Anya struggles greatly understanding how other perceive her and learning how to present herself as the confident elf she is, especially in situations that require the ability to persuade, deceive, intimidate, or perform

Likes & Dislikes

She loves nature. The more time outdoors, including her rests, the better. She also has a deep love of arts (including singing, playing, writing, and carving), and can be convinced to sing or play on occasion.   Cities are overwhelming and to be avoided if at all possible.

Virtues & Personality perks

She hates lying, and struggles to trust after being lied to She has been accused, many times, of being an idealist. She takes it as a compliment now

Vices & Personality flaws

She and Bry have made a promise to each other - "Don't freeze". Both women have seen the painful results of hesitation, but Anya still struggles with it at times. While her exposure to the wider world is certainly curing her of this, she still have a relatively naïve view of the world, which has led to some very problematic situations. As with many elves, Anya is ruled by emotion and can be quite proud. The worst thing you could do is to insult and anger a very dangerous elf, especially Anya in high stress situations. Pride

Personality Quirks

When she is nervous or anxious, Anya will chew her lip, take deep breaths, fidget with items (especially her necklace and axe), and hug herself in more tense situations.     She is also know to roll her eyes and on rare occasions, skip.


Anya would choose to be clean, bathing everyday if possible. Adventuring and ranging taught her to let some of that go, but if given the opportunity, she appreciates cleanliness and comfortable clothing to relax in.


Contacts & Relations

Members of Ora Vitae (past denote with*/deceased ^): Count Zefor Dragonsbane, Jayris, Sikander Steelestone, Zane Antilles^, Lord Almerion*, Tamarra Wilxes*, Eikthyr Yagluth* Nestor*, Vallic Undahill*, Pandora*, Elliot Bale*   Members of Zefor's home tribe to Eldath: Dondali Burrows, Jakabar and Velon (Zefor's parents), Jazzabel, and Elemor   Members of Phandalin Council: Linene Greywind, Elmar Barthen, Toblin Stonehill, Daran Edermath, Sildar Hallwinter (Lord's Alliance representative)   Phandalin and surrounding region: Adabra Gwynn, Veleen Firecrow, Thistle Danamark, Eidric Salazar, Falcon the Hunter, Pel, Corwin, Big Al Kalazorn, Don John Raskin   Anya's Elves (Feywild, Sword Coast, Evereska) Birel Calashadir, Sister Garaele, Nambra Valris, Fafiel Amakiir, Morven & Keyna Daoinonal, Dynna Siannodel, Zarn Wildreamer, Pyra Evenshard, Erdan Siannodel, Roren Elmseeker, Rolen Siannodel, Thia Amakiir, Lia Amakiir, Daynore Willowbreath (Additional listed under family)   Axeholm Shera Lharil, Tamia "Red" Redbow   Wayside Inn Cooragh Struckt, Tarbin Tul, Martisha Vinetalker   Members of Leilon Council Valdi Estapar, Grizzelda "The Growler" Copperwraught, Jack Torver, Merrygold Brightshine   Leilon: Silla Scalesweep, Seth, Sgt. Hazz Yorrum, Wayne, Garrett, Zana Taylish   Neverwinter Syndra Naerdre, Moradiv Solaron, Franklin Wilton, Saul Maerdym, Nelasser, Kelsten and Krystal Seddleniddle,   Angelborne/Sikander's Family: Jendora el Jabour, Talara and Bomalath Blazekeeper (Sikander's parents)   Dragons of the Sword Coast: Lhammaruntosz, the bronze dragon, Claugiyiamatar, the green dragon

Family Ties

Birth Parents: Eldith and Pakian Galanodel (Deceased) Close friend: Raellir Daoinonal (Deceased) "Adoptive" Mother: Bry Elmseeker, also called "Yantare" Half-Sister by her mother: Aeminka Danzeral Adopted Brother: Sikander Steelestone Adopted Siblings, by extension of Sikander: Saje Flamedagger, Choz and Chinderon Terrarock, A'flora Merrycrest, Thomas bin Soltani, and Kathra Zhou Wei

Religious Views

While born into worship and reverence of Sehanine, the Lady of Dreams and patron of Moon elves, Anya did not truly dedicate herself until a series of events (including vision, a call to action, and her resurrection) culminating in Nambra Valris initiating her into the order of the Sentinel of the Moonbow.   She has also spent nearly a decade attempting to connect with Rillifane, and has felt his presence at various points during that time. Her most recent effort has been in planting and tending a Fey Oak just outside Leilon, creating a quiet space perfect for meditation to The Wild One.

Social Aptitude

While still rather awkward and unsure of herself, Anya is usually a decent judge of another's character and intentions. She may not understand their motivations, but is generally aware of when others are less than forthright or have more to say on various matters.   Her short coming here is how other perceive her and learning how to present herself as the confident elf she is, especially in situations that require the ability to persuade, deceive, intimidate, or perform.


Spend half a day with her and you will quickly notice few things, including her eyeroll at anything she finds ridiculous or overstated. If she is unsure or nervous, she will bite her lip or chew on the inside slightly. The more stressed or overwhelmed she is, she will start with fidgeting - either with her necklace or the clover engraved on her axe - and escalate to rubbing her arms or hugging herself. On the flip side, the more excited she is, the more she bounces in place while she speaks. In rare moments of pure joy, you may even see her skip as she leads you somewhere.

Hobbies & Pets

Tal, her bonded companion, is a Blink Dog. He is far more than a pet, but her closest friend and confidant. Anyone can speak to him in Sylvan, but Tal is only able to respond in Blink Dog. With Anya, through their connection, he is able to send her images, feelings, and occasional thought or word. Their quiet times together are frequently spent with Anya catching him up on conversations he missed or other items of note. He is also acutely aware of her moments of stress or anxiety, and will force her to focus on him, helping to remain calm and work through the episode.   She has several hobbies, including wood carving, pestering her big brother, leatherworking, playing her dulcimer or flute, and singing. While not a bard, she has a deep appreciation for music and will, on occasion, sing or play.


As with many elves, Anya's voice has the traditional lilt that many are familiar with, but it is much lower than others. This allows her to sing in lower octaves, including those more traditionally sung by dwarves. She also has an easier time with more guttural languages that are typically spoken in a lower register.

Wealth & Financial state

She doesn't have much gold to her name, but holds the deed to the manor outside Leilon.

Anya Galanodel, ranger, druid, daughter, sister, and friend. Full of questions and doubts, she is determined to protect others while preventing further destruction and pain in herself and those around her.

View Character Profile
Chaotic good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Councilwoman, Phandalin Township Member of Ora Vitae Adopted into the Angelborne Sentinel of the Moonbow initiate
92 but she appears 40 years older
Date of Birth
16th of Mirtul, 1403
New Sharandar, Neverwinter Woods
Current Residence
Leilon, Dominion Manorhouse
bright green with deep gold flecks
dark brown, almost black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
near pale, with hints of blue along her neck and arms
124 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
Not one for quoting, unless it is from the Dwarven Book of Wisdom, those who travel with her as of late are well acquainted with the elvish for "crazy dwarf" - hwinda casar. They would also hear “Tal, oculum habe." (or "Tal, go keep any eye on him.” if they understand Sylvan), as well as “Sikander, seriously?”, or some variation.
Related Plots
Known Languages
Abyssal, Elvish, Common, Druidic, Dwarvish, Sylvan, Orcish, Draconic

Early Morning Conversations
16th of Eleasis, 1495

Early in the morning of 16 Eleasis, Anya wanders the deck, watching for the predawn light, and finds Rayne standing by himself at the stern, staring off into the clouds. Fighting to remain calm, she approaches quietly, "That was quite the storm last night. Care to share what that was all about?" "I only did what I thought I needed to do”, he says bluntly. “She was gone, is gone, and I did the best I was capable of.” Rayne pauses and then whispers, “It still wasn't enough," "You assume she is gone, Rayne." Shaking his head, "She is gone...not just Selune, but Eclipse too. And…I think He is back. I am getting power from somewhere and it feels nothing like Selune. It feels much more like HIM, but different." Facing him, Anya's restraint wanes a bit, "If She is gone, explain your cheek. That is not abandonment. That is anger. There is a difference." She pauses, biting the side of her lip a moment, then continues, "When did this happen? And why didn't you come to me sooner? We were supposed to meditate and try seeking Selune at the full moon, remember?" Rayne rests both hands on the railing, “I tried the whole time we were apart and there was nothing.” Pause, grips tightening, “This mark isn't anger, it’s punishment.” Another pause, his knuckles turning white with his grip, “How dare she abandon me and then punish me for trying to save my friends.” “Enough." Stern in voice and gentle in touch, she places a hand on his shoulder, "Rayne, look at me. I am nearly 100 years old and spent most of my life angry at the goddess who created me. I know what you’re feeling, but accepting Talos will not heal that. There is something else going on.” He loosens his grip on the railing with a sigh, but his face remains tight and angry, “It was never going to work, Selune is a serene summer night under a full moon and Talos is a storm, destruction. I have always been a storm and yesterday was the first time I truly felt alive in months.” The anger fades into embarrassment as he admits this to her. Before she can interject, he continues, “I need you to know I am never going to worship Talos again. A storm isn't evil, just indifferent. It falls on the just and the unjust in equal measure. I need to make sure that the storm inside me is pointed in the right direction. And I have you to help me with that, right?” Again, not allowing Anya to respond, almost like he needs to get the poison in his system out, Rayne goes on, “I am not accepting his power, it is just there. I am more powerful at this moment than I have ever been in my life, and it’s intoxicating. I couldn't deny this power if I wanted to - I am flooded with it.” He hesitates, “It is changing me....” Anya looks deeply concerned, “Rayne....I have experienced the storm Talos brings. His followers killed Sikander and nearly destroyed much of the land I call home. There must be a way to quell the storm in you. I don't believe he can have this much control over you or force you to change unless you are willing.” She drops her hand, shifting to look him eye to eye, “Are you?” Full of anger, “I am not controlled.” “Prove it," she growls back at him angrily. “Look!” As he pulls Eclipse from the sheath, holding it out for her to see, “She is dead. There was a conscious being of light in this sword and she is gone.” As she studies the sword, the top section of the blade has turned black, with the top rune the same violet the Mark of Sehanine has started glowing. Her face slowly betrays the panic and dread she feels at the sight. He continues, “Piper is dead. There is apparently something coming to eat the world. I need this power I have for a higher purpose, but I realize that my judgment may be clouded. I am willing to defer to you, and perhaps Sikander, as I trust you and will listen to you…that is how you know I am not controlled.” He stops, replacing the blackened sword, “I have lost two friends today and am willing to use whatever power I am afforded to not lose anymore.” Anya is standing close to him, but her arms are crossed tightly in front of her as she chews her bottom lip, an old anxious habit. “Be careful Rayne. I am worried this is far worse than I originally thought.” As if waiting for this acknowledgment, he nods, “Well, there is something else you should see. You know my power takes on an aspect of the deity I follow, so lightning when I served Talos and moonlight for Selune.” She nods for him to continue, and he summons a violet ball of lightning to his hands, holding it for a moment, then dispels it. He switches to his spiritual weapon, which is no longer the full moon, and now appears as dark and dead as the new moon but burnt to ashes. “I don't know what this means.” “Barzul…. I…” she stammers trying to comprehend the changes before her. Rayne turns to fully face her with his hands held out in front of him, as if he is afraid of what will come from them and whispers, “Will you be there for me? I promise I will no longer follow Talos, but I don't have much control over what is happening to me right now.” Anya stops trying to speak and looks at the young drow before her, many memories flooding her thoughts as she responds, “Yes. I am here for you.” She reaches out and takes his hands, “Rayne...I do not know how to help with this, but I promise, we will figure this out.” A whisper, “Thank you. Thank you for seeing past my race and my past mistakes.” She smiles at him, releasing his hands and lifting his chin, “You are not the first drow I have met and befriended. And I do not hold to the notion that all drow are evil. I am far from perfect and have made more mistakes in my many lives. If those can be forgiven, then yours can too.” Chuckling a little, he replies, “I am certain I have met more drow than you, and I don't hold a very high opinion of myself.” She studies him a moment as she wrestles with an old choice. Finally, she shares with a look of deep sadness, “Rayne, I may not be a drow, nor have I been in any life I can recall, but I have murdered, lied, stolen, manipulated, and destroyed more lives than I care to admit. My soul is tainted, and I have spent this life trying to redeem it. I truly understand how you feel.” Rayne is shocked to silence at that admission. It takes him a moment to recover before he can respond, “Someday, I would hear your story if you ever care to tell it.” A small nod, “Perhaps one day. Not even Sikander is as aware of my past as you are now.”   They both look out over the stern into the cloudy sky, the sun slowly coming over the horizon. Anya, taking in the colors of the sky as it does, pats Rayne’s arm, “I believe you are good. You have a good heart and want to care for others. There is something much darker at work here, and we will all need to work together to fight it.” He is quiet for a moment, then says, “If this is Talos, I will find a way to be rid of his influence, if not his power. But I don't think I will ever return to Selune. In fact, I would be a godless cleric if such a thing was possible.” Looking off toward the sunrise, “I have had enough of all the gods.” A stern concerned look crosses her face at the mention of being godless. “Be careful.... that path may lead to the God Eaters themselves.” Rayne shudders a little at her suggestion, then starts to pick at the rail before him. “Are we ok? Have I alleviated your concerns enough? And... can you heal this thing? It hurts like hell and my power does nothing.” Leaving the rail, he points tiredly at his right cheek with the still bright and painful brand of Selune’s symbol. She sighs and with a sad smile, "I do not feel the need to kill you where you stand as a follower of Talos, but I am worried all the more for you." She steps closer, inspecting the wound by turning his head and gently touching around it. "I will try." Covering the mark with her right hand, she whispers Tonasië, but sees little change to the mark. “I am unsure if that helped. I cannot do anything stronger, yet I am afraid." Dropping her hand, she turns away, heading for the main deck. Rayne looks up as she does and calls out to her, “Oh…there was one more thing I want to tell you.” Turning, "What's that?" “I am sorry, about yesterday. My grief for Piper made me unreasonable. You were right - we should let them rest peacefully. In my thoughts since then I have realized if it were I in her place, I am not sure I would want to be resurrected either. I do think she died a hero, and we need to let whoever was important to her know that.” She sighs heavily, reaching for her necklace as she does, "No apologies needed. It is a difficult thing to consider. I have been resurrected by those who care about me. Before, I would have been angry...I was not in a good place. But Sehanine called me to return. I think that is why I am still here and fighting." Anya finds herself briefly lost in memories for the second time in as many days before continuing, "Apologies. For Piper, I do believe she died a hero's death, and we have given her a proper and respectful send-off. Once we finish with Hugert, I would like to return to Waterdeep. There are many things to address there, and finding this council she was part of is one of them." She gives him a final nod and continues walking back toward the deck and the barracks, curious what Sikander and Tal have gotten up to, if anything yet. Rayne turns back to the sky behind them, watching the sun continue to rise.

What Happened at the Feast of the Moon?
30 Uktar, 1493

Morning comes with dark clouds and a thick snow fall, drawing several shop owners out early to clear the cobblestone streets to each of their establishments. While necessary, the work is far from quiet, with the harsh sound of shovels scrapping the stones and the chatter of those working rising through the street. The group works their way to Driftwood Inn, where Saul’s deeper voice can be heard calling out directions for those bringing in stock for the busy festival day ahead. As the sun slowly rises, many staying at the inn are likely roused by the cacophony from below.   Anya, having finished her trance earlier, sat quietly in the darkened room she shared with her drow companion Zane and Tal. The sounds didn’t seem to affect Zane, but she doubted much would as she had been quietly speaking to Tal about the day ahead for the last hour or so. Hearing Neverwinter slowly waking below and nervous about what the day held, the pair decided to get their errands completed before finding Birel for the Feast of the Moon meditation.   Gathering her things, she is startled hearing Sikander leave his room uncharacteristically early and heading downstairs. She and Tal leave shortly after, and find Sikander had already left, off on who knew what errand or joy-walk through the city as had become his habit. Grabbing a quick bite from Saul, they head out searching for the craft district and the Seddleniddle’s cart ("Seddleniddle Bits and Fiddles").   They wind their way through the streets, Anya's hand on Tal's back to steady her nerves as they go. Arriving in the craft district, they wander by various carts and buildings covered in decorations and wintery ornamentation all through the area before she locates the gnomes. Anya spots Kelsten chatting with a customer, noting a rack of weapons behind the gnome as well as a table with various small items. She spends a few minutes looking through the trinkets before Krestyl comes out, nervously greeting Anya. She asks if any of her other companions were with her, specifically the drow. After assuring her Zane was not present, she introduces Krestyl to Tal. The gnome relaxes immediately and asks to pet him, which Tal happily welcomes, looking for a treat as she does. After chatting and bargaining, Anya trades a few items and purchases a quarterstaff, a pretty multicolored disk, and the statue of a smug halfling (she regards the last item with a wide smile, thinking of Vallic). After a few other purchases, she and Tal drop their things back at their room and head for the fountain in the center of the craft district, where a variety of elves, half elves, and humans gathered preparing for the special Feast meditation to Sehanine Birel was leading. She explained the various prayers to Sehanine to those not as familiar with the Elven goddess while everyone else settled onto the mats setup around the fountain for the prayers and meditation. Anya found one with space for Tal to be next to her and settled down, nervously petting Tal while she waited.   Once noon arrived, Birel started leading the group in a prayer. Hearing the others around her, Anya rests her hands on her knees while sitting cross legged, closing her eyes as she lets the nervous breath out, then begins her own breathing exercise leading into her meditation prayer.   Breathing in: I am here Breathing out: I seek clarity   Breathing in: I am here Breathing out: I seek answers   Breathing in: I am here Breathing out: I seek guidance   Slows her breathing further, rests her hands open in her lap: Sehanine, Moonlit Mystery, Being patient through the unknown has never been my strength. I am prone to question everything about you, even though you have sent visions and brought me back from the void, but I can no longer deny the evidence of your work in and around me. Help me to listen and watch for opportunities to return, however you mean, and to find peace with the past.   Anya continues her meditation, ignoring the light snowfall as she repeats her breath prayer and a variation of the same prayer seeking guidance, understanding, and peace. With each repeated prayer, Anya relaxed and finally found herself in a calm state, not trance, for most of the day. The mediation continued over the next twelve hours until midnight arrived and Birel transitioned to a new prayer. As the new prayer continues, those who had meditated all day, including Anya, fell into a trance.   In this trance-like state, she stood in her incorporeal form and looked around, discovering she could see them all meditating around the fountain, with Tal curled up behind her. The next moment, her view is of all of Neverwinter and the surrounding area, including the coast beyond, bathed in the light of the full moon. The next moment, she turns to gaze at the moon itself, finding it had taken on the familiar glowing face of Sehanine, wearing the same gentle smile that had told her to return. She felt her essence pulled into the moon, and as she passed through, there was no sound or wind - only still and calm. It was then the visions started:   First: The face of dog drifts ahead of her before shifting into a hyena snarling and snapping, then again into the hezrou. The image flickered in quick succession, showing Anya all of the innocents that had died to the creatures, leaving the strong smell and taste of the hezrou lingering as her vision faded to blackness.   Second: The dark shifted to a white glow that became the white stag she was now quite familiar with. It bounded forward into a white fog, leaving a feeling of frigid chill in its wake, making Anya feel like she had frozen. Following him, she passed through a village that was frozen, unnaturally so, with a building on left nearly collapsed and a very familiar grassy knoll covered in snow and ice came just becoming visible, then all went to black again.   Third: A young woman appeared before her, creating a strong sense of familiarity as she was eerily similar to her mother, Eldith, but taller and with ears curved. Her white hair with a turquoise streak in it falls down her back, staring into the distance with her intense amber eyes. Most notable is the turquoise cloaks she is wearing as she stands atop a large tower in the center of a town that was dilapidated. The tower shifted to a large cloud with red gleaming eyes leering through the smoke.   As the third vision lingers, Anya hears the voice of Sehanine, "Dark unnatural tides, Chardansearavitriol and Myrkul, abominations one and the same." A moment later comes a deep whisper, like the wind blowing through the boughs of a tree, "Stand with the moon, child, accept the aid of Relkath."   At this, Anya comes out of her trance, falling forward onto her hands and breathing heavily as she does. After moment, realizing is was nearly three in the morning, she panics when she notices Tal was no longer at her side. Looking about, she finds Birel waiting for her. The priestess comes over, helping the Anya to her feet, and closely inspecting the younger elf's face. She nods slightly, then suggests Anya come find her after she has found Tal and rested, certain there were many questions Anya would have after her encounter with the Lady of Dreams.   Anya nods slowly, lost for words and still a bit dazed as she works to collect herself. It takes Birel releasing Anya's arms before she finds her voice enough to ask if she saw where Tal had gone. Birel was certain she had seen him walking to the north part of town in the direction of Birel's oaken home about an hour earlier. Thanking her, Anya heads to the other end of Neverwinter, searching and calling out for Tal, until she finally finds him asleep behind the abandoned oak home. She wakes him, hugs him close for a several minutes while she tells him everything she had just seen. He listens, and leans into her arms as he watches the anxiety slowly building within his companion.   Once Anya had control again, the pair start back toward the inn, but about fifty feet from the tree Anya spots a small branch of odd wood, about two to three feet long, the ends curled with small thin thread attached to both ends. Sensing it was magical, she picks it up and realizes it is a living bow. As she comes to this conclusion, Sehanine whispers to her again, "Rillifane crafted this for our quest, use it well". Anya remains kneeling in the snow saying a prayer of thanks and acceptance, holding the wood woven bow made of weirwood, a undeserved gift for a very unexpected quest.   Her head spinning, not fully understanding all that had transpired or what she had just agreed to, she felt suddenly drained. Tal, sensing her spiraling emotions, comes alongside her and gets her standing and finally moving back toward the tavern. The walk back is silent as Anya's mind bounces around through the different parts of the vision, continuing until she is finally in her room.   Settling in for her trance, the part of the vision heaviest on her mind is the very familiar woman with round ears…the one that looks like her own mother. Drifting off, her reverie that night finally ceased reliving her resurrection, and shifted instead to the vision she had of her mother and Raellir, wanting to compare the two women to confirm her suspicions…"Is that you Aeminka…nesa?"

Handë Vanwa

A blue ball floats in the air, giving off a soft light as Anya sits on her bed, the window closed against the rain pounding on the glass with Tal curled up and gently snoring on his cushion on the floor. Quietly she sits crossed legged on her bed, staring at the worn journal in her lap, hesitating to open it. She knew it was past time to rehash and face all the past lives Raellir helped her to journal through, but the idea of doing this alone was overwhelming. They had hoped by keeping track of each life and the various details they learned, perhaps the pair could gain enough understanding to allow Anna some peace with who she had been. Instead, they had eaten at her, leaving her more certain she was broken and unredeemable. When they finally left for Evereska, she decided to leave the journal behind, hoping that the act of walking away from it would magically make everything better. It had not. Twenty-one years later and she still hadn't attempted to face them, relying on Tal to help calm her down when remembering became too much. That had to change. Even if tomorrow was it, she owed to to herself to face them, to be a better example for the future of her soul. Taking a deep breath, she begins flipping through the pages, stopping here and there to reread an old note or comment written on the side left by Anna or Rae. As she does, some of the names stand out to her more than the others - Aredhel Aeraagamae, Elyel Sharondalan, Iririen Dlaralthor, Neladrie Aldarina, and Laserie Cromelon among them. A shiver runs down her back as she reads the last one. Reaching out, she runs a finger over the name, remembering many painful, disturbing nights of following alongside Laserie, especially in the temple. Her open hand clenches into a fist as the memory returns, watching the senseless murders, the dwarves falling to her silent blade, the priests within the hall desperately diving away from the rainbow erupting from her hands, and watching many become overtaken by fire, poison, and lightning. Forced to walk alongside her as she steps on or over the bodies, a look of glee on the face that most closely resembled her own, and all for some magical artifact. Anya closes the journal, unable to continue, and begins her breathing exercises to calm herself - staring into the black, rain filled night as she does. Breathe in, hold, breathe out. Repeat. And repeat. Again. And again. A few minutes pass, and as she calms, conversations and happier memories begin to come back to her - her mother holding her as she reminds Anna she is not alone; her father teaching her a song about strength and hope, even in the face of uncertainty; Rae at her side, holding her hand in silence as she processes the night before; Sikander suggesting she take up a crusade to rid the Sword Coast of the evil within it. As Sikander comes to mind, her gaze shifts from the black, rainy night to the sending stone that had gone off just before she settled down on her bed - she couldn't help but begin to smile. Looking down again, she turns to a very specific page near the front and quietly rereads the note there. The reminders her mother, father, and Rae had left her. You are not defined by the past. You can choose to be different - their paths and choices are not your own. Learn from their mistakes - let their folly be for your gain. Rereading these, she grabbed her quill and added a couple of Sikander's favorite things to tell her. As she did, she noticed a small note near the bottom. In her mother's handwriting, she read: "I have longed to take these from you, to spare you the pain I can see they cause you. I pray you find this one day, my daughter, and accepted yourself and your own path. Last night, before you left, you asked what would happen if you fall or fail. Let me remind you here, for all time, my beautiful Anna - What happens if you fall? My dear, what if you fly instead? Don't be afraid, trust yourself, because you are destined for great things." Finishing her writing, Anya takes the journal in both hands and stares at it for a long moment, feeling a little more at peace as she realizes she had fallen, and was finally finding her wings. "Hanta ioreth. Let's see how far I fly tomorrow." Dimming the driftglobe, she tucks it away and settles into her trance, focusing on a beach a couple days north as she drifts off....   Title: (Understand that which has passed)


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