Session 28: Polymorphing Gone Awry

General Summary

Gathering themselves after the vampire encounter, everyone settles for a quick rest, except for Sikander who is antsy and ready to continue exploring. Near the end of their rest, Sikander heads off through the door to the east and is nearly strangled by the ring on the door. Avoiding that attack, he continues, pausing to check before running through the door, and finds a massive spiral staircase going to the left clockwise down, a dark growling noise easily heard. 
Starting down the steps, Sikander is grabbed and dragged by a mouth that appeared on a step. Hearing his shouting, the others run after him, Silas getting a little further and is also grabbed by a step. Hoping to help them, Anya summons pixies, telling them to go help her friends. The pixies, in turn, polymorph Sikander into a large gold dragon and Silas into a Lake Troll, unbeknownst to each other. Both dwarf and gnome are ecstatic at the change – Silas thrilled to be so big and Sikander eager to try flying
Chaos ensues and another pixie casts Fly on Anya, allowing her to follow the other two. Offa takes his time levitating down and reading the etchings on the walls the others were too engrossed in their fights to see. As he goes along, Offa manages to decipher the following message:
“Here lies the way to dark dreams. Take care all ye who fantasize and imagine for herein lies the death of thy shackling beliefs” Meanwhile, the others are fighting the stairs and eventually each other, occasionally attacking Anya in the mix as only Anya knows the Troll is Silas, Silas is struggling to remember Anya is a friend, and neither of them knows Sikander is the dragon. Sikander barely recognizes Anya, and he throws himself into a fight with the troll, using his breath weapon as often as possible. Dragon Sikander finally forces Silas to resume his form and incinerates two pixies, Hans and Julia, in the process.
  Anya finally gets the pixie Lino to drop Sikander’s polymorphed form, allowing them all to come back together.
Offa reaches them, sharing what he read along the walls as they settle, trying to decide the next best steps.
Anya, still in her ruined gown and the ridiculous soldier mask, tells them she needs to return to Hobbs before they go much further, or she will be useless in any other fights to come. Offa felt the pull of his god to continue.
They finally all agree to return to Hobb and report what they have found to the sounds of Oban, allowing Anya to get her gear and collect Tal, as well as drop off their insane amount of gold and loot.
Further conversation as they climb the stairs again leads to discussion of a safe house and the possibility of using the abandoned Angelborne Manor.
Tired and ready for rest, they enter the green room and find a new Golem slowly sweeping the floor - Old Chip with a crack down the side of his face.
Report Date
26 Nov 2023


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