Session Eighteen: One Small Step

General Summary

17th Eleasis
The moon dominates the horizon as the crew is scattered around the ship. Anya is happily taking in the sight as Elora joins her. She mentions having stopped here many times, due to the captain and the other "moony types" among the crew. She points out Selune's Pilgrimage (the landing platform) and advises Anya that any excursions she had planned would be inadvisable as the guardians don't allow visitors to the surface. They hold the creatures of the moon sacred and the slaughter of such creatures is taken seriously.
Rayne, standing not far from Anya, finds himself with Smelly Old John, who notes the change in Eclipse. He starts making nonsensical comments, including soul cutting, pineapple of death, end of dogs, and destruction of all pie, and Silence (who had quietly approached) explains Smelly Old John was afraid Rayne would bring about the end of the world. They discuss the changes in Eclipse and Rayne - the purple energy, the darker purple eyes, and violet hair - and Rayne finally sheaths his sword.
While the women chat, Stefan learns Bombaduc has a small punt and wants to use that for an excursion, possibly to head off after Hugert. Finding Harlock, they go below as Bombaduc show them the ship and how to lower it. Hoping to find his fellow Bash Brother, Stefan bounds back up on deck, looking for Sikander and finds him leaving Anya's side (having told her to be careful and telling the Little One to take him with her). The Bash Brothers argue about Stefan claiming all the kills as he tells Sikander about the punt down below. They then head below deck. Harlock is waiting below, reminding them Bombaduc said they need the captain's permission. The age old "easier to ask forgiveness than permission" is agreed upon, but neither Stefan or Sikander manage to release the punt. Harlock refuses to help them and climbs out of the punt, while Tago Cross arrives, offering to help if Stefan would agree to carry a package to someone below in his person. Not wanting to carry it himself, he convinces Sikander to carry, but in his backpack and not...elsewhere.
As Tago goes to pull the level, Anya has come below, not trusting how quiet it had become. Seeing Tago, she anchored the lever in place, then tried to body check him. She fails, and the pair get ready to fight and are halted as Rayne casts darkness over them. Tago and Anya withdraw, but Sikander and Stefan remained on the ship, despite Rayne telling them to get out of the boat. They are finally shamed enough to get out and blame Harlock for missing out on their joyride.
Preparing to dock, they approach the bright glowing moon, with all kinds of animals visible down on the surface. Ahead are three large domes with spelljammers docked inside on the edge the platform and far in the distance, the massive statue of Selune rises behind the city to comments from Stefan wanting his statue to be that big. As the elves watch, the face seems to shift and change into the various aspects - Sehanine to Selune to Morgaine to (Suki Sama) to Sherendlar to a shadowy dark face.
Watching the aasimar check the ship in, Rayne and Anya agree to a pilgrimage to the statue, with Stefan wanting the dimensions and Bombaduc reminding them to mind themselves while on shore leave. Taking off ahead, Stefan goes looking for drinks from the concession stand and is directed to The Trident. He learns Skumbl is not available and the attendant rattles off a variety of juices and waters, none of which interest Stefan. Asking about a shop for questionable items, he is directed toward a stall run by Fleek further down the dock. Heading that way, he encounters a pair of Giff pirates and scuffle breaks out, prompting Rayne to draw his katana and frightening off the Giff. As he does, they entire party is paralyzed when the aasimar land around them, sharing they are here to prevent any fights and that they part of the local Selunite peacekeepers. They are let off with a warning that any further infractions would result in their arrest and subsequent trial, with severe consequences should they be found guilty. 
Continuing toward the item shop, Sikander is muttering under his breath, "Blessed Tymora grant me your favor and fortune" as he believes it is bad luck to be on a god's home. Arriving to the stall, Fleek the one-eyed halfling greets them, tries selling Anya a moon rock item (she doesn't think it is a fair deal), successfully gets Rayne a new set of Sauron-style armor for 700gp. Stefan then realizes this is Tago's contact and tells Fleek they have something for him. Stefan and Sikander join him in the alley alongside his stall, but are immediately noticed by the aasimar and everyone present is paralyzed again. Despite arguing, accusations (including blaming Harlock), persuading, and Zone of Truth, Stefan and Sikander still end up in magic-proof chains and are led off chain-gang style by the Knights of Selune to the jail, awaiting their trial at noon the next day. Anya convinces the aasimar to allow Tal to accompany them. As they walk away, Fleek begins disparaging the pair and Anya looks murderous at him, prompting Rayne to steer her away toward Selune's statue. 
Stefan and Sikander are shuffling along through the city, mostly quiet as they go. Sikander tests the strength of the chain, but cannot break it. They are led down a ramp into a small prison area. The guards offer the duo any reading materials or anything to drink or eat. Sikander asks for religion comparative texts to compare Tymora to some of the other deities. When offered various drinks, Sikander breaks down and gets Moon Juice, finding the edges of his vision blurs a slightly. He calls out asking for more Moon Juice for each of them. Stefan has been searching for cracks in the walls, unsuccessfully, so he downs the Moon juice with Sikander when it arrives. Sikander is in a on a psychedelic trip for twelve hours, while Stefan's lasts for an hour. 
Hoping to check on Sikander, Anya pulls out her sending stone and asks if there are alright. Sikander responds while high as a kite with, "Don't rescue us - this is blissful - it was a glorious idea! Oh hello little bunny - hello lamppost! Oh pineapples...shrimp, shrimp, shrimp, Sikander loves shrimp..." And Anya finds herself also singing along as this comes back through the sending stone, to Rayne's slight concern. 
The pair find a a Selunite monk who explains they can approach the statue, or if they are interested in the trial the can apply for that as well and then be allowed to ascend the statue. Learning that could take a great deal of time, they both opt to approach instead. At the base is a giant basin in the shape of the full moon, and as Rayne approaches, he draws Eclipse, which is black and the runes are violet, and raises it while shouting at Selune, then drives it into the ground. His voice breaks as he kneels and Anya joins him with a hand resting on his shoulder. He places his hand in the pool reflecting the goddess face seeing an eclipse then shifting and to the dark, sinister face, then back to her traditional aspect, but with a scar. Reaching for his face, he finds the mark is gone and a discolored scar is in its place. He then takes Eclipse and places her into the basin, and it is cleansed, with a shade of black remaining on one of the gems. While thanking the gods, Rayne finds he is unsure just whom he is thanking as the hunger for power is faint, but there and his Katana is still present. 
Seeing Rayne finally communicating with Selune, Anya steps away and focuses her meditation and prayer toward Sehanine, asking for strength to complete the will of the goddess, feels a sharp pain in her arm as a full ring is magically etched around her tattoo. While holding Winter's Dawn, she feels a pulse within, but is interrupted as an aasimar approaches advising Magistrate Phemolon wished to meet with all of them. Gathering Rayne, they head for the jail and find Sikander still waving to his imaginary dancing shrimp, singing his song still. Everyone present is annoyed with the song and while waiting for the cell to be unlocked, Anya asks what Moon Juice is, learning it has many health benefits and that the unfortunate side effects lessen the more you drink the juice. One of the guys asks for a keg of it while Anya enters the cell to hug and heal Sikander. The dwarf turns to her, "Shrimpy where have you been?" and bites her shoulder in while she restores him. 
They whole group is led to the magistrate's bedchamber, with books and papers are scattered about, and are eventually greeted by a Half elf-gnome. She greets them and Anya does her best to explain the situation (uninterrupted thanks to a quick Silence spell on the two from Rayne) and finally she turns and requests that Stefan explain himself as he pulled drugs out of his friend's backpack. He and Sikander attempt to explain they were just helping someone out for some money and they were unaware it was dust. Finally Sikander speaks up, claiming he is part of an undercover drug sting at the direction of Commander Polonius of the Terrible 21st in Waterdeep. She questions the legitimacy of the claim and whether Polonius would corroborate his story. He finally agrees to voluntarily set yourself up for punishment if he was lying. Another comment blaming Harlock is thrown out, but Phemolon silences it, stating she has known Harlock since he was a small child and does not believe he is part of any drug trade. Her judgement is as follows:
Sikander claims he is working undercover to break up the drug trade and identified Fleek as Tago Cross's contact. If he is lying or found guilty, then he has voluntarily agreed to a life in the pits. They are to return at noon the next day for her final judgement and are assigned aasiamar guards to tail them until their return. 
During this conversation, Rayne suddenly rises, apologizing for the interruption and head off for the docks. Once they are dismissed, the others follow after him and watch as he opens one of the spelljammer with the crystal he'd found so long ago. He looks lost in thought as opens the ship up, he begins to recall moments and battles fought in and around the ship. As the others arrive, he turns to them and says, "Welcome home". Showing them around the Giff ship, they realize modifications will need to be made, but otherwise it is an excellent ship with Stefan finding four etheric ballistae and ale. Sikander is far out of his element, unsure what he is looking at. 
They are caught off guard as the ship rocks and they see two Giff soldiers slam into the side. Trying to message their aasimar guards and finds no response, Anya turns to Rayne, "If you are gonna get us out of here, do it now!"


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