Session Fifteen: The Pirate Expanse

General Summary

15th Eleasis, 1495
Traveling for six hours, and advised the trip will take nearly two days, the party is spread out across the ship, with Harlock thoroughly ignored by the pirates. Sikander is helping Cookie the Orc in the kitchen as his sous chef and the pair discuss what to serve for dinner and agree to have a bit of cliffcat later as a snack. While Sikander gathers his ingredients (porridge and diced meat), Cookie shares his spice wand with the dwarf, and after a sage mishap, continues summoning little bits of garlic, sage, mandrake root, and cilantro (a clear favorite of his). Unfortunately, Cookie is allergic to cilantro and in his rage-like panic, he swings and hits Sikander, screaming in pain as he does. Hearing the screaming, Anya rushes in and drags Sikander out, then slips in and magically restores Cookie. She and Sikander then start cleaning up the cilantro mess as Cookie falls, passed out on the floor. (Sikander is sure she killed Cookie instead of him passing out).
Bombaduc and Stefan discuss his status as a fighter and a sailor, culminating in a wrestling wager in about an hour. They settle on the terms of 20gp to the winner, the captain gives her blessing with a small smile, then as they part, Stefan smacks Bombaduc's soft, round butt. Silas comes over and they chat briefly about the wager when Warlof sidles up to Silas, describing Mumbley Leg, and offers a wager of his own. Silas agrees to the wager as Foul Old John and "Sense" approach, with the latter cautioning him to watch the terms of the wager. Silas is confident ("they don't know who they're playing with"), to find out he is to face Elora, NOT Warlof.
Stefan moves below deck to rest in the bunks before his bout, noticing a kobold, human, and half orc pirate resting. Tago Cross tosses him a hammock, then offers to chat later about a deal. Stefan settles in, proudly displaying his sapphire, inviting the pirates to come mess with him. Anya and Sikander are still cleaning up the cilantro as the crowd gets going around Silas, prompting Anya to cut her brother loose so he can participate in the gambling, or whatever was going on above. Finishing in the kitchen, she comes out and finds the pirates advancing on Stefan while he rests. She told them in their own languages to back off then settled with Heca across her lap for a time to make her point.
Back on deck, Warlof finishes the rules, reminds Silas it is first to ten, and they start taking bets. Elora then raises the stakes to 50 gold pieces, drawing Sikander’s attention. He comes over to Silas, gives him a pep talk, then proceeds to shout to the crowd, taking bets and getting everyone excited. Warlof calls their attention, and they get started.
Round 1:
Both succeed, with the crowd excited, Bombaduc looking for Stefan, Silence mooning over the figurehead, the Captain watching from the poop deck, and Harlock looks disappointed, sad, and wistful. Using his awakened mind, Silas tells Harlock to mend fences with the Captain.
Round 2:
Both succeed on their second throw. (5th) Below deck, Anya warned Stefan to cover his gem, but half asleep he shifts and displays the sapphire more. Giving up, she heads up.
Round 3:
Discussion of going below deck for drinks starts, with Elora becoming more amorous (as Sikander pointed out). Silas pulls ahead, succeeding on his as Elora’s doesn’t land. (7th)
Round 4:
Silas has the opportunity to win, and everyone is leaning in to watch as the taunting ramps up. Before making his throw, Silas spots Harlock at the bottom of the ladder and urges him to repair the tear with the Captain again. Unfortunately, Silas misses as Elora catches up to him.
Round 5:
Silas’s last throw sticks in the back of his armor as he comments, “Usually it’s my friends stabbing me in the back, not my own dagger” drawing acceptance from the pirate. Handing his dagger to Elora to use for her last throw, Silas says if she wins, she can keep it. Which she easily does.
Rum is passed around to everyone present as the bets are settled, Warlof especially pleased as he gets a cut of everything Elora makes. She pulls Silas aside and warns him to be careful, especially of Tago Cross, as he isn’t here for the same reasons the Captain is. They discuss locations of treasure (Tago’s in a little bag), and Elora’s desire to captain her own ship one day. Silas continues to reject her offers of a good time, instead telling her to contact him once she has her own ship.
Grabbing Sikander, Silas tells him the need to find Anya and as they look for her Sikander shares his own version of the cilantro incident and that elves just do what they want to do. Looking about the deck, they find her heading toward Silence the Zombie Pirate. Silas explains what Elora shared, which Anya corroborates and tells the pair that Tago has already tried messing with Stefan, who refuses to cover the sapphire in his chest up.
Meanwhile, Stefan wakes up preparing for his fight and chats with Tago, who has a business opportunity for him later. continues boasting he is going to beat Bombaduc. He agrees to meet up with Tago after the fight with “Bomba”, then heads to the deck as the bell rings out. The rules are laid out – pin shoulders to the deck and anything goes to accomplish this. Silas and Sikander are close and cheering Stefan on as they go back and forth. Silas taunts Bomba and gets spit at, Stefan ends up getting Bomba on his back, then Anya taunts Bomba in his head as Sikander tosses Stefan his flask of rum. Taking a quick swig, he figures out how to roll Bomba over, knocking a necklace to the ground. As he does, Silas creates a minor illusion of cheering to encourage the crowd, inspiring Stefan to pin Bomba’s shoulders to the ground.
Getting up, Bombaduc breaks the top off a bottle, then hands it to Stefan, who drinks it and raises it in the air. Bomba then gives him a crushing hug, claiming him as a mate and welcoming him to The Queen Emeraldas.
Silas smoothly pockets the necklace and pockets it for later investigation, then checks in with Bombaduc regarding Harlock and Captain, learning they are like mother and son, but have been estranged for a long time now. Further discussing the need to get to Hugert, Bombaduc summons Silence, who sings a shanty telling the tale of the Pirate King. Shortly after, Harlock comes out and sits with Marlagh, Tinker and Taylor wander the deck, Elora pesters Silence again, and many of the others have retired below deck for drinking, including Stefan, Sikander, and Bomba.
On the deck, Silas and Anya wander to Harlock, and learn he and the captain were able to make amends after the death of her husband, Hugert’s first mate, Tochiro. His father blames Harlock for the death since he returned to the ship to rescue the boy from robotic soldiers that were attacking, after he’d accidentally lit the signal fire, drawing their attention. Anya and Silas both attempt to reassure him as he shares, but he still needs to work through his emotions. The pair give Harlock his space and find the captain, who immediately picks up that Anya understands the pain and heartache. She shares the staff the party is searching for was the final breaking point for Hugert, then what she knows about Hugert’s fortress, how to get there, and the purpose of the lantern. When asked how best to navigate speaking with Hugert, she warns he is easily offended at the slightest thing.
Below deck, Stefan is matching small for large drinks with Bomba, the latter clearly quite drunk. After some joking about Anya liking Stefan, he starts telling stories of arm wrestling Hugert, his fiery temper mixed with good manners, the soft spot he has for the captain – especially after his first mate was killed.
Sikander asks about the navigation pirate and learns he is the only one who can hold the ethereal magic together, but their conversation is cut short when he scoops the dwarf up and tosses him at Tago, who is clearly unhappy with the situation. Stefan heads over, explaining to Sikander he has side business with the pirate. The pair meet in a foxhole, with Stefan accepting a package to deliver to one of Hugert’s men named Flandus, paying him 500 gold now and then 2000 gold when he returns. Tago assures Stefan this is very rare tobacco, instructs him not to tell his friends, then magically seals it.
While both groups continue their conversations, a shudder runs across the ship as a large draconic figure appears flying through the sky. The ship is called to arms as the pirates take up positions, but before much can be done the star drake breathes across the deck, nearly taking out many of the pirates and a few of the party. On the next pass, Stefan jumps onto the drake, Anya summons two giant eagles for her and Sikander – flying off on the back of Moonshadow, Silas and Tal stay close to Harlock as he mans the ballistae, while Rayne revives Piper after the breath attack. Silas and Harlock damage the dragon, Stefan starts to drink its blood, but stops as it is too cold. Anya comes closer, asking the drake what happened or what hurt it, only to find out the ship is in its territory. Sikander mounts Windrider, and coming close to the drake, swings Wibbles and connects, doing damage as well.

Rewards Granted

Acceptance by the Queen Emeraldus's crew
Magical spice wand from Cookie (Sikander) 
Bets from Stefan vs. Bombaduc 

Missions/Quests Completed

Stefan bested Bombaduc in a wrestling match
Silas failed spectacularly at Mumbly against Elora 

Character(s) interacted with

Captain Emeraldus
First Mate Bombaduc
Worlaf, Marsupial Pirate
Tago Cross
Silence, Zombie Pirate
Elora of the Many Small Cuts, Fairy Pirate
"Sense" and Foul Old John
Harlock Honagolin 
Cookie the Orc, Chef Pirate


Silas hexed the Moon Drake
Stefan is hanging from its underbelly
Sikander and Anya are on giant eagles (Windrider and Moonshadow) near it
Silas and Tal are with Harlock


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