Session Four: Cloudhook Report

General Summary

30th Flamerule 1495
Leaving Hobb’s Occasional Pub, the party finds themselves on a dusty street where the wind is hot and dry. Sikander asks Rayne how he is with cities, as he knows Anya is not a fan. Rayne is fine but has grown accustomed to strange looks. They quickly realize there are people of all races and skin tones, wealthy and poor and that Rayne will not stand out. Looking beyond the few shops, they notice tall cliff faces and a path that leads up to a plateau. Starting down the road, they quickly meet Kethand, a dust addicted, former military lizard man is begging for scraps and offering assistance. Anya and Rayne stop, giving him rations and a gold, surprising Kethand. He asks how they came to be in the Mrs. Frillies Frilly Lingerie without him noticing, and with a quick look they realize Hobb’s Occasional Pub has disappeared and left them seemingly stranded.
Deciding to press on, Kethand advises they speak to Immeral for any sales or purchases they hope to make. Rayne also asks where he could fight to make some money, and it is suggested he check out the recreation hall as there are fights whenever dawn crests over the mountains. It is also possible that the Airman would sell arms, but they would need to check at the base by the docks up above.
He begins choking and Anya helps him dislodge a half-digested insect, which he thanks her for then shares that he was one of the wealthiest men in Cloudhook, as well as a fighter and an airman, but thanks to dust (which is twice as addictive as scumble), he is now destitute. Continuing, he suggests they go see The Defiant and advises they be wary of going to Molly’s Reach…. something about turning them. As the others slowly start walking, Sikander gets close and flashes his 21st insignia, and asks where to find a dust dealer. Kethand tells him to find Anastrianna Mystrialath, a desiccated elf, pox on her face from use and that she is easy to find at the Pentacorn and Fin.
Coming to a cross section, they meet a friendly wood elf in dusty clothes by the name of Sinew Digbit. Anya doesn’t get a good vibe from him, especially with his sudden helpfulness. He offers to lead them to the Pentacorn and Fin while answering some questions. At this point, they decide to split up, Anya and Rayne handling the shopping and selling while the others all head to the tavern. As they head off, Anya and Piper notice the abundance of cats in the area and notice that they have special membranes that allow them to catch air and glide a little way.
The pair of elves end up outside a home and find the thinnest elf they had ever met whittling away at something. Immeral Aloro introduces himself as they discuss selling the pentacorn statue (he assesses it as Grade 3 and poor quality adamantine) and invites them in to weigh it. Entering, he asks them to excuse the place and they see piles of stuff all over, clearly the home of a hoarder. After further inspection, he offers them 100gp, but is willing to up the payment if they agree to help him with his business arrangement with an airman that allows him to skim the excess surplus. Some goods have gone missing, and he wants to know what's up as he doesn’t get his cut as a result. They decide to check with the others first, and move on to making purchases, allowing Anya to refill her quiver with standard arrows. Immeral offers a very special Air Slip (Crystal ball with water -Inside is a bubble of air with a fish floating in the air that has many magical properties) and a bag of dust to Rayne. He declines and suggests they leave. Anya agrees, while taking a quick, wistful look about the piles. As they walk, she and Rayne discuss the recent changes around his departure from Talos and drawing closer to Selune, along with the constant struggle he feels around his drow nature and the idea that strength and power are most important. Anya is no stranger to drow, Talos worshippers, and the struggle of whether to serve a deity, and offers to support him as an accountability partner of sorts while he works through his struggles.
Meanwhile, Sikander regales those with him (Piper, Stefan, “New”, and Tal) with one story and another, with New commenting that he is quite boastful and loud, which is good as the place they are headed is even louder. Entering the Pentacorn and Fin, the noise hits them like a wall of sound and they find a long bar, lots of gambling, good natured fighting, and plenty of those with loose morals selling everything and anything under the sun. Looking about, they notice folks in prim military uniforms and criminals alongside each other as if brothers, drinking and carousing. Stefan is excited, commenting that they came to the right place, and approaches the bar to order A+ blood. He meets a large orangutan, who seems to not understand him. He tries a couple more times, including an attempt at grunting and miming his order. As he does, the Water Genasi behind the bar ignores him. Eventually she calls the great ape out and he apologizes for having his fun as it is dull without messing with strangers that come in.
Getting everyone’s drink, Sikander requests an ale in a dirty glass, then give a toast, “Here's to the afterlife! May the stay there, be as fun as the way there” (Rule #60 DRfL). Watching the boisterous group, he points out the Altacat Atak (the Genasi) as the owner and her one rule – no violence inside the bar. Small scuffles will happen, but woe betide if you go too far. They all begin drinking as the discussion shifts to the various kinds of dust available for purchase, including brown and purple types. Sikander is keeping a close eye on those around them while New assures them he can help acquire drugs, whores, really whatever they wanted. He does advise they start lightweight if the decide to try the drugs. Looking about, he points out Anastrianna Mistrealath as a point of contact for dust (along with a group of half orc guards. Stefan decides to openly approach, asking about dust, prompting a brawl to breakout between him and three of the half orcs, with Stefan refraining from using weapons as they all pull out their cutlasses. Sikander hangs back while shouting with the crowd "Fight, fight, fight!" among many other encouragements. Stefan quickly realizes these three or high as kites and going to be tougher to fight. He gets a couple hits in while taking a few himself, shouts for Piper and Sikander for help, then growls that he just wanted to buy some dust.
Anastrianna hears him and gets two of the three to stand down, but the big one is too keyed up on his high to notice her demand to stand down and slips on brass knuckles before attacking again. Anya and Rayne come in as Sikander is taking bets. Anya pops the back of his head in disapproval as she takes in the fight and kneels to check in with Tal. Piper excitedly fills the two elves in, sharing her excitement with the fight.
Stefan and the half-orc continue trading blows when Altacat finally takes notice and fires her blunderbuss-style hand cannon, then tells them they’d gone too far. Quietly trash talking each other (Stefan is sure he won), Anastrianna invites Stefan to her table, chat briefly about his experiences and his “experiences” before coming to a deal of 90gp and an IOU for a small bag of dust. While this intimate conversation goes on, Sikander settles the bets, including with the office – Commander Barlay “Percival” Tennant. He then wanders over and joins Stefan and Anastrianna, discussing the proposition of becoming partners with the drug baroness. Going back and forth with Sikander noted as the brains, it is agreed they would need to be vetted before she would partner with them. Eventually, Stefan ends up using some dust, and at Anastrianna’s suggestion they head off for an appointment of sorts. While Stefan is otherwise occupied, the orangutan comes over, attempting to have some fun at their expense (something about being a monkey), but Anya calls him out playfully as a great ape. He takes hers and Rayne’s drink order as Sikander shares his plans to bring down the drug trade from the inside. Everyone is confused at how this will help, with Anya trying to point out the extra problems this will create. The dwarf is quite insistent, leaving New especially befuddled at this idea, while the others continue drinking and relaxing.
Stefan and Ana spend several hours together, not his best…performance, but a good time was had by all. They continue the dust discussion, including telling Stefan to stop using the stuff and trying to discern if Sikander was truly serious about partnering with her, especially as they seemed to have a smell of Cherries about them. The conversation fades, as does the rest, and Anastrianna agrees to escort him back to the Pentacorn and Fin.
Stefan returns, with Piper loudly commenting to Anya (wildly blushing) that Stefan mated. Keeping his cool, Stefan simply answers with “We don't kiss and tell”. New, still hanging around, asks what exactly the group had come to Cloudhook for, and they share the need to locate Quinim. New confirms that the old, burned, and scarred tortle is at The Sisters of the Singularity recuperating and offers to take them there in the morning. In the meantime, there are a couple of places to find rest (as it is after midnight) – either at the village hostelry (if you don't mind sleeping with others all in one room) or The House of Lady Shizash on Treaclemine Road. Anya finally asks what New’s angle is – why hang around with us late into the night? What does his assistance cost them? He shares his interest in investigating and dealing with restless dwarven spirits that need calming out near Molashian’s Seat - a large, sacred stone a mile north of here. Sikander grows concerned with the realization that this is “The Molashian” who almost ruined our kind. When asked about a reward, he offers the treasures said to be within the tomb, although the greater treasure trove is in the ancient dwarf tomb to the south. The group tells New they will get him an answer once they’ve had time to talk, which he understands and continues leading them to Lady Shizash’s - a large, ornate building with pink curtains on the windows. The door is answered by a dragon born in a kimono (Lady Shizash). After a few questions, including whether any of them were addicted to dust, which Anya stated they were not (Stefan was less than convincing in hiding his earlier use of it), she led them inside to the frilliest room, full of pillows and couches of various shades of pink. Rayne covers the cost of the rooms and breakfast as Lady Shizash advises “The Snuggery” was a room available for them to use until they were ready to sleep. Inside, they found more poofy furniture, along with a table for blenda and cards. After going back and forth about taking down the dust trade, the Dreignor (Sikander’s discomfort and concern are evident), and the various side jobs they’d acquired along the way, they settled on a rough list of priorities:
1) Find the missing party and the dwarven ruins by speaking with Quinim (this seems to line up with New’s job, so two birds, one stone situation?)
2) Take down from dust trade from the inside.
3) Assist Immeral – find out why the cargo has been shorted, preventing him from receiving his cut.
The night is late, and Rayne decides to go to bed, so with a knock, Lady Shizash leads him to the “Cloudy Room” (clouds all over as decoration, including the ceiling, along with the full moon) hoping it would suit him. He thanks her and they share a short exchange regarding Selune and the promise of a blessing the next day. The others decide to stay up a bit and Piper teaches them “Three Blind Cats”. There are four rounds, starting at 2gp per person and increasing by one each round. Along with the gold, Sikander suggests the winner gets to be “right” all day on Midsummer. Through the four rounds, Sikander wins one, but Piper cleans them out, winning the other three. Agreeing it was time for rest, they are led to specific rooms:
  • Piper to the “Sunny Spot” room, decorated as the entry area of a log cabin with a large rug in just the right spot for the sun to hit and warm it,

  • Sikander to the “Winter” room as a place for cooling down with a hard dwarven bed,

  • Anya and Tal to the “Midsummer” room, decorated with fields of flowers and the full moon also present,

  • Stefan to a simple room (it is possible Lady Shizash could tell he had used dust before)

  • Midsummer, 1495
    Breakfast is served to each of them with a knock at the door by a young dragon girl, with the one delivering Stefan’s meal wearing rabbit ears and commenting that he is a wild one. (Word gets around apparently). Eventually they all finish eating and reconvene downstairs, ready to seek out Quinim. Lady Shizash advises them to speak with Mother Gravity (and ask them to say hello for her). She also shares her support of taking down the drug trade, and advises the commander is as well, suggesting they check the warehouse or shipments as a starting point. Anya thanks her in draconic and they share a brief conversation about the oddity of a group we are, as individuals and in our goals. As Sikander asks what they were saying, there is a massive explosion that shakes the house, and they learn about the steam gun being fired every morning. Each of them a bit shaken by the sound, they start toward the Sisters of the Singularity to find Quinim. Along the way, Piper shares that per the bet last night, if she right, then anything Anya says today is right. (Anya to Piper “You are such a good dog Piper!). They find their way back to the large, dust-weathered building next to the tavern from the day before. The day is dry and hot already as they find a group waiting for the doors to open for a meal. While waiting, they spot Kethand and a single Kobold mother with eight children. While the group chats with Kethand, Stefan attempts to look through the windows, just spotting a tortle face before the blinds close tightly. Deciding to take the chance, Anya goes to the door and rings the bell. A small, frail looking halfling woman named Sister Horizon greets them. She is pale, rosy cheeked, and missing her eyes. In their place are two swirling vortices that look like small black holes. Anya and Sikander struggle (appropriately so) and cannot look her in the eye, while the others are fine. Rayne steps up and with Anya’s help, they ask to speak with Mother Gravity and Quinim. Sikander remains with the kobold children (all with names that rhyme with -ith), who seem to have become enamored with the dwarf and he with them (although he cannot say why). After a brief conversation with Mother Gravity, assuring her it is on a specific errand that they seek his advice and guidance, she allows them entrance to his room. Entering the room, Quinim is in a meditative stance, clearly penitent. They start to ask, but he interrupts, looking at Rayne and asks if he is Valen. Rayne tells him no – he has heard of him, but never met him. Rayne continues asking about the missing group, and the old tortle says he told them not to go, but they wouldn’t listen. They left one or two months ago by one of two ways, either by air ship or walking along the Cloudway (see image), which is a treacherously long walk. He hasn’t heard word from them since then.
    When asked what he is atoning for, Quinim shares he was a deluded fool and sided with the ancient gods. (He still has a deep interest in them and would appreciate information should we find any). They also ask him about the God Eaters, and notes from his research their need to devour, that they are creatures of great hunger. He begins to zone out and they realize their time is up with him, so they make their way back down the hall. Coming back outside, they watch as kobold children pretend to defeat Sikander, clearly having fought a mighty battle. Anya is watching with a gentle smile before realizing Stefan believed him to be in actual danger, picking up two of the youngsters. Assuring him they meant no harm, he puts them down, giving Sikander an odd look. Rayne asks Anya whether her brother worships a god of chaos, and she replies that his is the goddess of luck, and that he is a complicated dwarf that has been through a great deal - at the end of the day, he is her brother, and she accepts him as he is. Their mother thanks Sikander, telling him this is the happiest they’ve been since their father left. He tries to return a lost doll while he hands her some gold, telling her to keep them away from the dust, which she readily agrees to and simply smiles at the doll and closes his hand over it, then heads off. He takes the doll (one Prince Kith Lionheart as named by the children) and straps it prominently to his pack.
    Leaving for the shipyards, Tal, Piper, Anya, Sikander race each other (Anya shifting into a lioness as they go), with Stefan and Rayne jogging to keep close. Coming to the metal gate, they see several ships, a large schooner, several smaller ones, and one massive dreadnaught - The Defiant. As they approach, a couple of military airmen (second class) tell them to stay back behind the yellow line. The men are not budging, so Anya suggests he try using his Terrible 21st seal to get them to listen but has no luck. Rayne steps up, asking who they need to speak with, learning they can go to the Civic Authority or the Admiral for the information they need. Stefan tries his hand at getting the information and ends up in irons thanks to the implication of privateer meaning pirate, and the standing orders to arrest pirates on sight. He insists no irons, that he will come willingly. After some convincing, they allow it, but warn him weapons will be drawn the entire walk. Leading him, with the others following, down Docks Road, they arrive at some large homes and find two people having tea. Approaching, they find the older one to be Ret. Admiral Ollerdan and the commander from the day before, Commander Barlay “Percival” Tennant. The Admiral looks up and asks, “Percival, look there - Airman, what do we have here?”
    Report Date
    07 May 2023
    Primary Location

    Cover image: by Brittany Scott


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