Session Four: Forging Ahead

General Summary

Forging Ahead
The group gathers around and questions Kellier the Brain, who warns they are dealing with a very powerful wizard. Eventually they gather that he has split himself into pieces throughout the alley (The vision was his memory, the brain we are talking to, and the heart) and his desire to have a permanent body again. Stefan offers his own, but Kellier says that will not work, he needs his own vessel.   When questioned about the God Eaters, they learn Kellier came in here in 1372 (123 years ago!), so any of his information is out of date and anecdotal at best. Realizing many of them are injured, they all agree to take an actual rest while trying to figure out if they can trust the wizard. Stefan suggests Rayne use his lightning magic if he did try anything, but Rayne says he can’t use that magic anymore and that they would talk about it later. They finally decide Piper will take the first watch and Anya the second. Once they are all settled in, Piper buries the wizard’s brain to keep it safe, but Anya asks her to dig it back up when she takes on the watch. Both watches pass without incident, and everyone gets much needed rest and healing.   7 Flamerule? (We have lost all sense of time!)
As everyone wakes, they ask Kellier if he remembers where adamantine can be found. He points out that the image seen early was the embodiment of his memories, so no, he didn’t remember that detail. Once they were set, the dwarf, dhampir, two elves, Piper, and Tal, plus Kellier the Brain, started across the large, cavernous room. Stefan takes the lead and quickly realizes the room has threads that vibrate and groan when vibrations disrupt them. He lets the others know, then manages to get across without disrupting any others. Sikander starts across ahead of the rest and proceeds to grab one of the threads and pulls, hard, until something falls from the ceiling, screaming. The scream frightens and deafens the others, and forces nearly everyone to involuntarily flee and are deafened – Stefan to left tunnel and Sikander to the right, while the others retreat to the glade. Anya, seemingly unaffected by the angry root baby’s screams, silences the area around it and leads the others across and down the hall she’d seen Sikander run, eventually finding him investigating a large gold and adamantine statue. Shortly after Stefan appears from one of the side halls, also deafened. Rayne restores his hearing as Anya boxes Sikander’s ear, restoring his as well.   Looking around the room, Anya notices some shadow like ghosts etched on the walls, but nothing else, and doesn’t notice anything happening with her arm either. The boys are checking out the statue, with Sikander trying to decide if he should climb it. Anya dares him to try, and he immediately does so, finding the skull of the statue empty with a perfect indentation for the dwarf to sit within as if on a throne. Kellier is very insistent that he be placed within the skull, but Anya and Rayne are quite against this idea. While Sikander is still atop the statue, Stefan’s demeanor suddenly changes and he lunges toward Anya, trying to take the brain from her. She is unable to evade him, and they all work together, attempting to prevent him from putting Kellier within, but are unable to stop him.   The golem animates, steam coming out and his voice echoes around the chamber, demanding they surrender to Kellier the great and powerful. He is unfazed by the attempts at persuasion that he owes the group for his new body, and instead states they will amuse him and that he will not AXE again. Realizing they had no other choice, they all attack the golem, eventually destroying it and Kellier shortly after, despite his pleas to the others. Checking out the golem, Sikander and Stefan remove the needed chunks of adamantine while Rayne finds and removes a crystal from the chest that appears to be from the moon. Ready to be free of the Twisted Alley, Stefan starts leading them down the tunnels, but Anya and Rayne recognize them as an unending maze, so he suggests Anya take point and she leads them to a room with a pool and additional Elvish on the wall that said, “Poica órë ar márië yéva envinyanta. Naira yéva naicelëa” (Pure hearts and happiness shall heal; Grimness shall hurt). They continue on to the forge and work together to restart the forge and melt down the adamantine, pouring both molds, the pentacorn coming out slightly better than the unicorn, but both presentable. As they watch both statues cool, the space begins shifting around them begins pulling them somewhere. Sikander reaches out and grabs for both statues as they all disappear from the forge and reappear within Hobbs’ tavern. They hand over the correct statue and fill Hobbs in on all that transpired in the Twisted Alley, including the demise of Kellier, which Hobbs is apparently fine with as he was a bastard, even if he was a colleague and a friend of sorts. He pours them all the drinks of their choice while he and Rayne share a brief conversation about Selune, and learning he is one of the faithful to the goddess. Anya presses more about the God Eaters (and that the sleeping bugbear could tell them more but is, in fact, asleep).   Hobbs shares that the God Eaters are an old legend used to frighten children. Long before gods there was hunger, an intense desire to devour. This desire eventually fragmented into the dark spirits that became the God Eaters, and they destroy anything with a spirit. Being insatiable, that meant the gods were their primary source and began laying waste to pantheons. What concerns Hobbs is the possible connection of the God Eaters to the task he has for them involving the Dreignor, an ancient dwarf race of powerful elder beings. He needs them to go find an ancient tortle who collects relics and find more information about a failed archeological dig that a group from Candlekeep had vanished from. They will need to investigate and either return with the missing members or sufficient proof they discovered what happened. Several gnomes in large, red boots entered and brought everyone their favorite meals as Rayne shares a story of meeting an ancient dwarven god that was looking for a hammer, supposedly one of the Tri-Strike, the hammers of creation, as well as getting to meet a Moon dragon.   Sitting and listening, Anya has many questions, which Hobbs happily answers, including:
Who: They party could seek the assistance of Quinim the tortle while searching for the missing party
Rewards: any object of Dreignor make would be the reward of a lifetime
Hobbs' Take: he has a connection to the missing party - the son of Lord Huffworth (Name open to adjustment), the king of the pirates, is one of the missing party and they are to rescue him if at all possible. He also asks they locate a sextant that glows with the ancient Dreignor rune "D" (he noted that neither Sikander, Anya, or Stefan would be able to read it as this is much older than the dwarvish they all could read)
Where: We will start in a place call Cloudhook, and Hobbs will provide a map.   At this point, he insists they all go and rest, so each of them heads to a room provided by Hobbs. In their rooms, they all notice the windows have a swirling pattern of color and does have a view of the outside. Anya takes time to reach out to Sehanine, as was her custom, then Rillifane when she woke. Rayne took a closer look at his moon crystal and confirmed it was a control crystal for a spell jammer ship like he had previously sailed on. Stefan happily went to his room for a decent rest. Sikander, instead of heading to his room, found a quiet corner in the tavern, very quiet and stoic as he sat contemplating everything he had heard about the Dreignor. He spent the whole night in this state, not taking a real rest. As he sits in thought, the bugbear mumbles in his sleep, "The stars are teeth".   8 Flamerule?
As everyone wakes, they work on restocking their supplies and find a safe place to store Sikander's new "throne". Gathering in the tavern, Hobbs lays the map of the area out for them to see. Everyone is surprised at how far they would need to travel (12,443 leagues) in order to reach their destination. They discuss how best to get to Cloudhook as that distance would require months of travel on foot, with Stefan suggesting they find a skyship to help expedite the trip. Agreeing to this plan, they open the door and realize they are in Cloudhook already, a massive pirate community full of skyships, as it would appear Hobb's Occasional Tavern is able to travel any number of places at his whim. Sikander, unnerved and agitated at the mention of the Dreignor and the suddenness of their arrival in Cloudhook, explodes at Hobbs as sense of foreboding overtakes him, "If you're intending to defile some dwarven ruins, or discover some ancient Dreignor technology for your own evil purposes... I'll come back and rip out your guts." Hobbs, eerily calm, pats him on the back with steel like fingers, saying, "I mean the dwarves no disrespect or harm, but I tell you - do not threaten me again." It is a tense moment before he follows after the others to discover what Cloudhook has in store for them.

Rewards Granted

Golem head made of gold and adamantine - now a throne for Sikander
Adamantine pentacorn statue

Missions/Quests Completed

Returned an adamantine unicorn to Hobbs

Character(s) interacted with

Kellier the Wizard (Brain)


Long rest in Hobbs Tavern (Except Sikander - Short Rest)
Received map from Hobbs of the Cloudhook   The party has been tasked with finding out what became of the archeological team from Candlekeep, including the son of the pirate king.
Report Date
28 Apr 2023
Secondary Location

Cover image: by Brittany Scott


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