Session Seventeen: Sea of Stars - Uchuu No Umi

General Summary

17th Eleasis
The crew has a grim, hung over, and serious feel as they navigate toward the hole with a storm gathering to the east. Rayne spends his morning looking within the storm, lightning flashes illuminating muskees and moon calves. Anya is back in the crows nest, chatting with Big Nation about their shared love of storms, while Sikander appoints himself as the assistant morale officer and, naturally, the keeper of the rum. 
Going about his duties, Cookie sends Sikander (with Tal waiting patiently for any extra snacks) to deliver breakfast (and rum) to the navigation wizard. Distraught, Flash Razzamatazz begs to for death as he is depressed from keeping the ship on track without a proper break. Sikander finds the hand plate on the door, and is blown backwards when he tries. Surrounded by laughter, the pirates tell him only the captain or first mate can let Flash out. He argues with them, insisting the poor man just needs some fresh air and insists they bring him either the persons or their hands. 
Silas, standing along the edge of the ship, is aware he has an overwhelming odor while chatting with Sense, learning it is genderless, or fluid and content to be any gender. Sense wants to see the world and learn everything. It is also connected to all the smells of the world, possibly even speak with the dead via their smell. Silas asks about going through the hole, and Sense describes seeing the moon and the expanse, then advises him to approach the pirate king with care. One never knows his temper will be, like rolling the dice as it were. Sense advises avoiding the topics of bondage, his ancient loves, his son, and Toshiro as those will all put him in a foul mood.
Lord Rayne is in contemplation as Warlof approaches, asking about the storm Rayne is dealing with. The pair discuss the storm, being followers of Talos, and Selune's mark on Rayne's cheek and her anger with him (Warlof comments that women don't like being lied to). Rayne thanks him for cheering him, with Warlof scoffing at that as he walks off. 
Silas finds Bombaduc, and they chat about his song, problems with gods, and convincing him the smell is rotten cilantro and not from him, until Silas asks if perhaps Bombaduc would be willing to stand with the party as they attempt to get the staff from Hugert. Silas lays everything out, including the prophecy from the cards, the party has to offer until Bombaduc agrees. For a price, he will stand with the party, but not against the queen, and after some haggling, they settle on any interesting things plus 1,000 gold. 
After her chat with Big Nation, Anya goes looking for Taylor, Tinker's cat hat. Shifting into her smaller wolf form, she sniffs the cat hat out and tracks it to the lower deck. She runs into Tago, who recognizes and threatens her, drawing a menacing growl from her. In the room, she shifts back and finds a tabaxi tucked in behind the boxes. She then learns that Taylor can become a hat when he so chooses, but that he and Tinker had a fight about his comment that one less dog wasn't that big a deal. He definitely misses her, but ardently refuses to speak with Tinker about it. Anya tries to get him to join her above deck, but the tabaxi opts to stay below. 
Determined to convince Bombadic, so sorry Bombaduc, Sikander takes a plate of his muskie flambee slop with rum. Eventually, he manages to convince the first mate the he, Sikander the Darkweaver of Phandalin would volunteer to take his place. Just ask anyone (except the elfling) if he is qualified. Anya protests, but the others attest to his ability, including Rayne assisting with a minor illusion. Bombaduc lets the mage out and Flash hugs Sikander, then takes off in a hurry. Bomba points out the helmet and the speaking tube then takes his leave. Sikander puts it on (and has it latch onto his head) and connects him to the ship. Looking around, Sikander is now able to see as if looking from below and the leylines are visible to him. That doesn't help him stay on track and everyone quickly realizes the ship is in a lot of trouble. Anya, Silas, and Rayne look on, doing their best to guide his hand, with Silas trying to convince Harlock to come and help, but they aren't able to get the helmet off. Stefan comes in and tries to pull the helmet off as well, with no luck, and the ship continues to rock as it veers further off the leylines. 
Silas and Scent work together and find Flash above with Big Nation, and after getting him to understand Sikander overestimated his abilities, Flash finally agrees to return after Silas promises to bring him tea and biscuits.
With the storm getting closer, Rayne goes above deck while Stefan and Anya remain to help Sikander (Don't touch the ball, push the red button). Rayne controls the storm, with some of the lightning becoming purple as he does, along with the mark of Selune burning into his face again. As he dispels the storm, there is approval in his actions through a healing that is received, supposedly from the storm god. 
Returning to Silas and Flash, the mage begs to see the sky, then insists he needs regularly scheduled break, that the ship needs at least two more mages, and lots of snacks. Silas promises all of this and Flash asks him to swear on his gods, life, smell, and the gloaming. The last one brings Silas to a halt and he demands to know what Flash knows about the Gloaming, but he insists he doesn't recall even saying the name. 
They finally get to the room, and Flash talks Sikander through releasing the helmet (triangle button), then thanks the master of cuisine for his meal. Silas ends up feeding Flash so he can put the gloves on and reset the ship. Sikander admits this was a new experience for him and makes his way out of the room, but not before he is tasked with emptying Flash's bucket. He gets up the stairs with little sloshing, then throws the entire thing over the edge, happy with a job well done. 
Anya is above deck and asks Esmeraldus what to expect. She is concerned the lamp won't work, and warns Anya they could face anything from marauders to moon creatures to any other number of dangers. Hearing this, she heads off looking for her party to get them above deck and ready to help.  Before answering Anya's call, Silas attempts to get a straight answer from Flash, but he insists it was like being possessed, that the words were not his own and that he knows nothing about the Gloaming. As Silas leaves, he shouts out, asking for his bucket back from Sikander.
Slowly, they all gather and watch as they enter the hole. If feels like there is nothing beyond it. As they look on, special sails are engaged and form a transparent shroud around the ship, creating a safe environment for everyone on board. Passing through the hole, everyone feels a bit lighter and they watch as a couple dots streak away from the moon. Esmeraldus has them set course for Hugert, and as they go Rayne shares that the moon is teeming with all kinds of life. Anya stands at the edge with Winter's Dawn in her hand, staring in awe at the moon. While they are chatting, Silas gives a shout about creatures coming from the moon, and everyone goes onto high alert as they realize the lamp isn't working and the comets with faces bear down on the ship. 
While the comets attack the ship, they also send cosmic balls down to the deck. The crew go after the ball while Esmeraldus shoots the comet, then the ship dives to avoid another attack. Harlock hits the comet with his coin sling as it turns and sends fire at the deck, hitting Silas. Rayne aims for one of the comets and sends a purple bolt at one (anyone nearby notices half the sword is black and two runes are glowing purple). Sikander comes in and (you mess with the beard, you get the axe) deftly swings Wibbles at the creature. It rises and becomes a space spider, prompting Stefan to rage and attack. As he does, it tries to reach into his mind and fails. The comets continue slamming into the ship, slamming Anya and Tal to the ground. 
The ballisate slams into a comet and it fires another creature at the deck toward the downed pair. Silas tries to get Sense to help (I'm a smeller, not a fighter) with no luck (Well that stinks). Rayne gathers an ion storm with purple lightning and attacks the comet and is surprised as his eyes glow purple. Anya looks on from the deck at Rayne, concern growing when her arm begins glowing purple. 
Sikander steps in front of Anya and Tal and with a whispered, "In the chaos of combat I find stillness and victory" he and Wibbles go to work, destroying the creature, causing it to collapses in on itself. Nearby, Warlof is attacked as another creature attempts to extract his brain, but is fails. Getting up, Anya kisses Sikander's head in thanks, summons Windrider and Moonshadow, then takes off after a comet. She misjudges the distances and the pair end up floating in the plasma outside the transparent shield. 
Harlock does a lot of damage to the comet with catapult, but the comet still sends two more eggs to the deck. Rayne, seeing Anya floating, sends a massive purple lightning at the comet and destroys it, causing an explosion that impacts the others on the deck. He then summons his spiritual weapon, but the moon looks like its been burnt. It implodes in a purple light, then becomes a purple katana. 
Unusually calm, Sikander walks across the deck, pats Windrider and says, "To strike with precision is to honor my blade and honor my ancestors" and slams Wibbles into the creature, which turns on him and nearly attacks Sikander with his brain attack. 
Unable to help elsewhere, Tal tries to bite the eggs, but misses as Anya and Moonshadow get back within the protective shield. Meanwhile, Silas heads over and destroys the creature with a flourish of his rapier while the crew and Harlock bring the final comet down, exploding over Bombaduc, the eggs, and the Captain.  The ship is severely damaged, at only a quarter of its strength, as Bombaduc advises they should turn back. The captain tells them to make for the moon as they have no choice but to get repairs completed in dry dock.
Report Date
05 Aug 2023
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