The Gnomeragaddonthon Gnomish Schools of Study (Nomer-ah-gadd-on-thawn)

The Gnomeragaddonthon (Gnomish Schools of Study) is a collection of SOME of the disciplines, philosophies, and techniques used to develop the gnomish understanding of the world. Although it's not uncommon for a gnome to dedicate their life to one School of Study, the most respected and accomplished gnomes dabble in multiple schools during their lifetime.
  The names are approximations of the Gnomish. Gnomes delight in world play and embroider everything with a sense of humour, even their most dour of studies.
    • School of Gettin' Toasty (Pyromancy) Drez va Keziimaan)
    • School of Masterful Misunderstandings (Knowledge through Failure)
    • School of Boom Boom (Explosives)
    • School of Now-You-See-'Em-Now-You-Don't (Illusion)
    • School of The Golden Gears (Mechanical Contraptions)
    • School of Surprising Snares (Traps)
    • School of Powerful Parlance (Languages and Rhetoric)
    • School of the Bright Lights (Astronomy)
    • School of 'Where the Hells did that come from?' (Conjuration)
    • School of Celestial Ramblings (Theology)
    • School of Ancient Grudges (History)
    • School of the Buried and Boring (Necromancy)
    • School of Forests and Beasts (Botany and Zoology)
    • School of Zappy-Zap-Zap (Electricity and Lightning)
    • School of Solid and Shiny (Geology)


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