History of The Worlds of Korav

Here is all we know about the history of the Worlds of Korav.   This timeline uses the "Korav" greater year, which attempts to reconcile the many local calendars of the three worlds of Korav.

Consciousness Arises

Long ago, but not as long ago as the other things.

A hotly debated topic.   At the annual debate of the Wise Men of Aureela in 110045, the Masters decided on this as their topic: "When Did Consciousness Arise in the Universe?"   Three days later, fifteen scholars lay dead, more than double that were maimed for life, and two went mad.   Before violence broke out, the Masters divided into two camps: 1. The separate consciousness of the universe are an expression in the Material Plane of the Universal Consciousness, which in itself is not sapient and "grew" into our universe in order to think and reflect   And 2. SHUT UP!!

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    The Infancy of the Gods

    It is hotly contested by theologicans and natural scientists whether organic life came before or after the gods.

    Gods Came First

    Those who hold that the gods made all living things clearly support the former. The gods, they say, enjoyed a period of infancy and, once they grew into their powers, created the living things on the worlds.


    Others vehemently disagree. Discussions of this topic have claimed almost as many lives as the three wars of King Thang the War-Lover.


    Organic Life Came First

    The gods came AFTER organic life. In fact, the gods are a produt of the thoughts (or perhaps even the existence) of organic beings. In the same way that every living thing has a magical fields, it is argued, all living things emanate the energy that coalesces into the gods. Most of the gods keep their opinions to themselves, and those who share their thoughts are usually lying.


Long ago, but closer to today than the things that came before

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    Life Blooms on Korav
    Era beginning/end

    The many forms of life arise on Korav.   This is even more hotly contested than the other philosophical questions. In fact, the Solemn Scholars of Schleen debated it for ten days, during which time 450 scholars died horribly, mostly from knife wounds and sarcasm.   Which life came first? How did other lives arise?   Which intelligent creature can claim to be the First Children of Korav?

The Ancient Dwarf Reign

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The DREIGNOR, also knowns as the Old Dwarves, the Ancient Dwarves, or the Dwarves of Law, were larger than modern dwarves. Their inquisitiveness lead them to break open the secrets of the universe, giving them dominion over all the beings of Korav.   They even fought the Gods themselves.

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    "Dreignor-Kep": The Old Dwarves Vanish

    One of the greatest mysteries of the past is "What happened to the Ancient Dwarves?"   Thirty thousand years ago, the Dwarves were at the height of their powers. Within a few days, they had completely vanished from all of the planes.   Most of their powerful artifacts were destroyed or lost to history. Brave adventurers occasionally find some that remain. Assuming they survive their encounter with Ancient Dwarf Technology, they are fabulously wealthy from that day forward.

After the Passing of the Old Dwarves

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The passing of the Ancient Dwarves was followed by thousands of years of struggles, as former slave races struggles to redefine themselves without their Overlords. Eventually, civilizations either rediscovered themselves or forged new identities.

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    The Events of "Whispers of the Vespertaal"

    World of Ba'Sal   A band made only of Wizards encounter the God Tower, a magical construct created by wizards of a rival nation. It is coming for their Tower!

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    The Demon War
    Celestial / Cosmic

    While it is difficult to apply dates to anything taking place in the Seven Hells, scholars generally cite these years as when the Incubi and Succubi rose up against Major Demons.   Time flows differently or not at all in other Planes. These dates describe times when the Demon Wars affected events in the Material Planes.

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    The Events of "To Hell and Back" and "Monascaries" (the Falcon IRL game)
    Religious event

    World of Trenn   A group of mercenaries tasked with retrieving an artifact were transported to a level of Hell. Thinking they had escaped to the village called "Good Intentions", they discovered that this was just another level of Hell. Finding a portal, they were transported to "The Crux", a borderland between the Hells and the Feywild and had to fight a major Fey, Robin Goodfellow, called "The Puck."   Finally returning to the Material Plane, the group wound up in the frozen mountains of Lang-Xue, where they needed to solve the "Problem of the Monascaries".

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    The Events of "The Cult of Chaos"
    Religious event

    World of Ba'sal   The Cult of the Beshaba, Goddess of Chaos, built a machine that disrupted the God Nodes. These powerful stones, built by the Ancient Dwarves, formed a web of power that prevented any one God from dominating another. This regulated the eternal struggle of one pantheon against another and prevented the Gods from interfering with the Material Plane.   The vile warlock Schwisgaar Schwigelf modified Dwarf Machinery to disrupt or destroy the God Nodes, giving Beshada and the Dancers of Chaos entry. It was only the heroics of a band of adventurers that prevented this.

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    The Events of "The Old Dwarves Return"
    Religious event

    World of Ba'Sal   Working for a mysterious patron, a group of heroes encounter the Ancient Dwarves, who are awakening from their slumber.

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    The Events of "The God Eaters"
    Celestial / Cosmic

    World of Ba'Sal   With the Gods controlled again and the Ancient Dwarves out of the picture, a party faces their greatest challenge with the coming of the God Eaters.