
The Earthlord

Grumbar (grum-bar) is the elemental embodiment of earth. He is one of the four elemental deities worshiped but has a very small following. He cares only slightly for his followers, accepting offerings of sardonyx, jasper, and other stones without complaint or comment. Grumbar’s gifts are most often protective magics or knowledge of the underearth’s secret places or rich lodes or ore, though he seems to mete them out without determinable reason.   The church of Grumbar is organized into small sects known as Holds, each comprising seven clerics, seven monks, and seven rangers and as many laity as can be supported. There is little dissension within Holds, and little interaction between Holds. Those who follow the Earthlord can often be found in public preaching against the evils of boarding ships and setting sail to uncharted lands, preferring exporation of the land. Many of the clergy members preach that “more than enough problems exist to occupy our time here at home without looking for new troubles.” Grumbar’s clergy members also take stances against changes in the social code, changes in government, the building of new landmarks that change the face of the land (such as dams) and changes in their own religion.   Grumbar is separately worshipped in The Terran Athenaeum.

Divine Domains

Province. Elemental earth, historical knowledge   Suggested Domains: Knowledge, Nature

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Purple mountains

Tenets of Faith

Commandments of the Faith:  
  • The eternal Grumbar is perfect and unchanging. Strive to be more like the eternal one, not to change or allow change to happen.
  • One’s given word is the bedrock upon which is stable society is built. To break an oath is to cause a crack in the foundation of civilization.
  • Go forth and spread the word of Grumbar and show through your works the stability and safety he brings.


Clerics of Grumbar pray for their spells at dawn while giving thanks that the earth remained stable while they slept. The only official holy day of the church is Midwinter, when a festival is held to celebrate the completion of another year and to plan the faith’s activities for the upcoming year. Once set, such plans never change. Grumbaryn faithful swear an Oath of Landwalking never to travel through air or across water unless their life depends upon it. Grumbar’s clerics often multiclass as elemental archons.
Divine Classification
Elemental Diety
True Neutral


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