
The Monarch of the Tides

Istishia (is-tish-ah) is the elemental embodiment of water. They are one of the four elemental deities worshiped in Koria that became an greater elemental with powers that rival the Gods of the Faithful after a previous lifetime as a mortal. They represent the essence of water itself, the nature of slow change over time, and the ability of water to enact change. They rarely interact directly with their followers and will use subtle ways to make their presence power known on the material plane.   Istishia’s church is organized into several sects that work together in order to accomplish goals for the different aspects of Istishia’s worship. New sects are constantly being created and later reabsorbed into other sects. The church uses a unified ranking system so even members of different sects know their relative positions. Most clerics remain attached to a particular temple or region, but since they believe that doing so for too long results in stagnation they change temples about every five years. The clergy work to keep sources of water from becoming polluted and intercede between land and sea races. Their temples are well-known for crafting excellent pottery. Clerics of Istishia pray for their spells at dawn while giving thanks for a drink of water. Istishia’s clerics often multiclass as bards or elemental archons.

Divine Domains

Province. Elemental water, purification by water   represents the essence of water itself, the nature of slow change over time, and the ability of water to enact change   Suggested Domains: Tempest, Life

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A cresting wave

Tenets of Faith

Everything is interconnected and cyclical. Water always triumphs, for earth dissolves through water, fire is extinguished even by steam, and air becomes clouds and then rain, completing the eternal cycle. The Monarch of the Tides is the great equalizer and leveler of the elements, acknowledging change but holding to their essential nature. Do not try to be what you are not; rather, excel at what you are and carry this message of personal excellence to the world. Be flexible but not unreasonable. As the rains flow down to the ocean in the folds of earth and not up mountains, so do the truths of Istishia spread throughout the land through their natural routes, not through rank force. The mysteries of life are to be enjoyed and puzzled over, but realize that some answers do not come in this world, but rather in the next. Realize that the cycles of life are mirrored by the cycle of fate; be prepared to pay the price of reaping the reward for the actions of your past or your future.


Spring tide and neap tide are celebrated with festivals that involve the boisterous tossing of new converts into water and a great deal of diving. Visitations between surface-dwelling churches and aquatic branches of the faith are common at such festivals.
Divine Classification
Elemental Deity
True Neutral


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