Tymora, Lady Luck

Our Lady Who Smiles

Known by many names (Lady Luck, Our Lady Who Smiles, Our Smiling Lady, etc.), Tymora champions those who make their own way in the world including merchants, adventurers, and free spirits. She encourages travel of the unknown, risk-taking for discovery, and freedom to pursue ones own desires and fate. Tavern cheers and bardic songs commonly sing celebration of her as a bringer of luck and fortune.   Commonly consisting of adventurers and others who rely on a mixture of luck and skill to achieve their goals, the church of Our Lady of Luck (Our Lady) encourage folks to pursue their dreams. They are also duty bound to aid the daring by providing healing and even some minor magic items. Shrines and temples of Tymora are widespread as the needs of adventurers to be healed. Primarily, shrines are often found in small villages or a temple will be nearby an adventures guild hall or local tavern. These places of worship often differ significantly from each other in powers, manners and titles though, with little overall authority or hierarchy. The temples provided potions, scrolls or other little things like glowstones, often as rewards to those who serve Tymora and her tenets well.   Tymora calls no domain in the planes her residence, instead eternally wandering through the Outer Planes where serenity can be found, distantly watching over the potential of mortals. She visits Selune at the Gates of the Moon on occasion.   Depiction. Tymora is often depicted as a young woman of dark complexion and long, light brown hair that cascades to form the road left behind her. Most art shows her in constant motion, ever leading into the unknown as she flips a copper coin.

Divine Domains

Province. Luck, freedom, change   Suggested Domains. Trickery, Arcana

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Woman’s profile embossed on a copper coin or pendant, sometimes with a shamrock behind it

Tenets of Faith

Commandments of Tymora:
  • Luck favors the bold, for to be bold is to live. Place yourself in the hands of fate and trust your own luck.
  • Chase your own unique goals. A brave heart and willingness to take risks can inspire others to become their own masters.
  • Change is inevitable. Showing your good or bad fortune proudly shows confidence and hope in the future.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good


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