Voidheart Orb



The Voidheart Orb is - for whatever reason - the still living heart of a demon, brought down and cut out by Barclaÿ himself, the founder of the Voidguard faction inside the Inquisition.


It is revered by the Voidguard as the source of their belief and of their power. Some of them draw energy from it, willingly or not.




The Voidheart Orb was carved out of the body from one demon Barclaÿ faced during his active days for the Inquisition. It was conjured by a convent of corrupted Witches he was hunting. They feared him. They hated him. They rooted for him. So they summoned their lord which was said demon.


Barclaÿ and the demon clashed in a battle frenzy, which was felt even in villages kilometers away. Magical waves, tremors, screams and finally the howling of a dying demon.


What followed after was the clashing of a hammer against female bodies, the breaking of bones and the screams of dying corrupted witches. After the massacre he noticed that the demons heart was still active and pumping while the body was dead. With his knife he carved it out of the body and even then the heart was still beating and pumping invisible blood.


So Barclaÿ brought it back, reported the extermination of another corrupted convent and put the still beating heart on the desk of his supervisor. After an hour of discussion Barclaÿ was given fundings and the position of the first Shadowseer of the Voidguard.




Before the start of every mission, the Voidguard "worship" the heart. They get the appraisal and the speech from the Shadowseer, pray for their own success or a glorious death. Some of the Voidguard - mostly mages or people with magical affinity - draw somehow power from the heart to fuel themselves and their own magical abilities. Meaning that they store the energy in crystals to draw from there before they draw from the power beyond the veil.

"Guide me, O Mighty Orb. Bless me with thine power. Grant me thy might. Grant me swift success and the power to strike mine enemy. Burn my soul should I fail."
— Preaching of a Voidguard before a mission
Voidheart Orb by CrazyEddie via Midjourney
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic

Cover image: Koria Main Header by CrazyEddie via Midjourney


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Aug 10, 2024 11:12 by Han

Y'know, I somehow feel like drawing power from the heart of a fallen demon might not be the kind of power they should be wanting...

welcome to my signature! check out istralar!
Aug 12, 2024 12:20

I think your feeling might be right.

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Aug 17, 2024 09:03 by Secere Laetes

Hmhmhm... wenn ich bedenke, dass Barclaÿ auch das Ritual dazu einführte... war der auch nicht ganz koscher. Aber hey, wer ist das in der Inquisition schon oder in dieser Welt? Jedenfalls, ja, nen Dämonenherz anbeten, ist sicherlich nicht die beste Idee, die man haben kann. O.k., je nachdem, was man möchte, natürlich.