


The Voidguard operates covertly within the Inquisition, masquerading as loyal members while secretly advancing their own agenda with the resources at hand. They believe that by worshipping the Voidheart Orb - a living demon heart- , they can not only protect Koria from external demonic threats from behind the veil, but also from within the realm.

Their long-term goal is to create a connection between the other dimension and to harness the power which lies behind the veil to fuel the magic inside Koria. And they do not care if the behings on the other side live or die.



  Voidguards are really simple in terms of structure, since they operate inside the overarching Inquisition.  
Structure of the Voidguard
-Acolytes (slaves)

They are organised into the Shadowseer, the Voidguards and the Acolytes, which are bought slaves. This is one of the few cases where slavery is still illegal in place. The Shadowseer is the leader of the faction, oversees the rituals, the finances and the missions the Voidguards fulfill. The Voidguards are the knights, the working force of the faction; they could be mages, scholars, or actual knights. And the Acolytes are the ones who are working for the other two. Tidy up, clean bunks or other rooms, bring whatever the other two ranks need.




The Voidguards were founded by Barclaÿ, a former leader of the Inquisition. He gave his position to the actual Shadowseer before going into the field again. He also created the ritual used before every mission.


This entire faction is relatively young, only a decade old, but they are very effective at their job. And what is their job? Well, to a degree they are witch hunters - mostly for corrupted Witches - and demon hunters most of the time. They believe that where is magic used, there are demons waiting to get to the people of Koria. And if they are through the veil, hammer, axes, and magic awaits them.


To be a Voidguard is not an easy task. You have to be loyal to the Inquisition, to the cause and you should withstand demonic influences. In other words: be a fanatic amongst fanatics.


You are sworn to secrecy, even on the inside of the Inquisition. Which also includes the activities to blow off steam, so they have to search for other things where they can get rid of their energy, their bad and intrusive thoughts, and their nightmares.


Getting rid of demons is a bloody job. It is a job for the guards at first and then for the weapons. You have to search for clues, for irrational behaviour, the smell of magic in the air (ozone & coal). You have to determine if there is a credible threat and if so, get rid of it very fast. More often if a Voidguard thinks that there is a threat, it ends with one or more corpses. Normally a Voidguard is operating entirely on their own, sometimes in pairs. None of them is accompanied by a Red Guard, the normal armed force of the Inquisition.


Voidguards usually enter lairs or convents the only way they see fit: with a fortified heart, weapons drawn and reinforced with steel and magic. Only seldomly they operate in secrecy. Sometimes they call in a spy or an assassin from the Esatini if their own forces are spread thin. And outside of the Voidguard it is getting tricky to pull their own spies into activities they shouldn't have knowledge about.

  Besides hunting demons or corrupted witches the Voidguard tries to decipher a way to and through the veil and beyond. For the cause to harness the power which lies behind it. For supporting Koria itself and they do not care if people or the other beings die.  



The Ritual - yes, there is only one - is usually held before the start of every mission. Inside a cave the Voidguards buried a demon heart, which is still alive for some reason, pumps invisible blood through its veins and glows in a faint purple. For lack of any other name it is called Voidheart Orb.


The Shadowseer assigns the mission and orders the Acolytes to prepare the cave. Candles, incense, small trinkets, a goblet of wine, a carpet before the small altar where the Voidheart Orb resides.


The Voidguard kneels before the altar on the carpet. The Shadowseer recites a speech and a prayer for swift return, mission accomplished and a glorious death if it comes to the end. The guard itself says their prayer as well, gets the wine from the Shadowseer and is sent on their way.

Religious, Inquisitorial
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization

Articles under Voidguard

Cover image: Koria Main Header by CrazyEddie via Midjourney
Character flag image: Voidguard crest by CrazyEddie via Midjourney


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Jul 20, 2024 23:55 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I wonder what the Inquisition would think if they discovered there was a secret faction within their ranks? :O

Jul 21, 2024 16:49

Good question. We could explore that in the Stories... :P

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
Aug 10, 2024 11:16 by Han

Oh, this is so not going to end well for them.

welcome to my signature! check out istralar!
Aug 12, 2024 12:19

Nope, it isn't.

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
Aug 17, 2024 09:05 by Secere Laetes

Hmhm... sie sind gegen Magienutzung (von anderen) und ihr Ziel ist es, Magie aufzufüllen... na wenn das nicht passt. Aber wenn ich bedenke, was sie da anbeten sozusagen, ist das alles auch kein Wunder. Das wird noch interessant werden.

Aug 24, 2024 23:34 by Barron

I always love an article where you can get the tone right from the first couple of paragraphs. Immediately you explain who they are, what they want, and how to make do. Chef's Kiss that.   It's a great org, I particularly enjoyed the deep delve in to the ritual that they take part of, and their absolute no mercy approach to the demons who seek to fuss up the world!   Great entry