
Bound by Lust, Ruled by Might



Xandoria is an Inner God, believed into existence by the people of Prívía. They appeared around thirty years - more or less - after the founding of the city, believed into existence by the accumulated belief of beggars, choosers, gamblers, innkeepers, brothel owners and everyone and everything in between.


Now they are the Inner God, the Dealer behind the Dealers, the Lord of the Crossroads, the Embodiment of Lust and Carnage.




Xandoria was believed into existence roughly seventy years ago. They are a relatively young god, but infused with the wishes, the souls and the hearts of needy mortals. Meaning of that is rather simple, they got the knowledge of decades, even centuries out of that. Experience is a different thing, but sincilt a e lust - all kinds of lust - isn't going to vanish, Xandoria has all time in the world.


During the Times of War and the Spiral incident, Xandoria backed out from all the war and, except for deals and gambling and some smuggling operation, they didn't interfere with the entire war business. War wasn't so good for their business, except for brothels and maybe some gambling. But if nobody had the coin, they couldn't spend it.


While being on that island, Xandoria expanded their business and is now the Dealer behind the Dealers. They get ten percent of every transaction and to keep record of all transaction and their wealth they made a deal with the Golden Hoard Capital and Investment Management. Every transaction was funneled through the vault of the Golden Hoard and they built an outpost in the city.


Slowly Xandoria restructured the city to their liking in the form of the rune the city is now. What is the rune doing? Simply put, enhancing the belief of the people, directing it to Xandoria and increasing their power.


As Xandoria built up the rune and the first larger brothels - for primal lust is all the same to men - they saw a Crossroad Demon making a deal inside their city. Unbelievable! Unforgivable! So they faced the Crossroad Demon and figured out that demons from beyond the veil slipped through the cracks of the veil somehow and made deal with mortals. Which presented an opportunity so Xandoria made a deal with the Crossroads Demons as well. Now they all work for the God of Gambling and Lust.


During this time Xandoria built their own home called The Treasure. It is a noble house, made out of white marble, gold, and a lot of coloured cloth. In their main room they have a variation of chairs, most of them golden, but also other materials and styles from around Koria.


Now Xandoria revels in the spoils of the times, since the Spiral is somewhat contained and the coins are rolling again.


On top of Crossroads


Since Xandoria made the deal with the Crossroad Demons, they are their Lord - or God as some would say - and get a bargain out of every contract a Crossroad Demon conducts. And if things fail or get messy, Xandoria intervenes in their own way.


Some consider Xandoria evil. A devilish being sent by outraged god or the Goddess of Luck if their luck has ran out. Others consider them a saint - especially Dungeon-, brothel- and casino-owners. Some of the more lucky folks thank them for their service and hold them dear in their memory. It really depends on the deal, but be it hard coin, luck in the game or love, sex or just making amends.


Nobody would figure it out, but Xandoria has made Prívía into some kind of a huge Crossroad.

"Believe what you will, puny mortals", whispers the god with the glowing green eyes in their empty chamber, "but keep in mind that I am in the middle of everything. This is your crossroad, not mine."
— An amused Xandoria

A shape to desire

Small CW: mentioning of child abuse and abuse in general. Xandoria wants to protect children, so it is in there that they despise that.

Xandoria was believed into existence by the inhabitants of the city. But since nobody could figure out an overarching personality and physical appearence, Xandoria decided during the process that they would decided how they would look. And so they changed into everything and nothing, being the first divine shapeshifter.


But it comes with a catch: shapeshifting includes having the free will to choose their own appearence. In this case Xandoria takes the humanoid form the other person longs for. Could be a buxom fiery redhead, a cool raven-haired maiden, a Pisocenian brunette, a strong man from Hulwar with muscles even on their eyeballs or a feminine boy from the Northern Realms. Their only No-Go? Children. If you long for children, you get your deal and a swift death afterwards.

"Why do I protect children? See, children don't have a choice in that. They don't know what is happening to them. Koria is full of monsters, but if you prey on children, you are a monster yourself. And for me, myself and I? We think of ourselves as part-time monster hunter."
— Xandoria over the corpse of a child molester

Xandoria might change their appearence, but they don't change their character. They change behaviour, speech pattern and approach, but never character. Or their eyes which are always a more or less glowing green. Even a fiery redhead or the hot-blooded women of Pisocenia might have ice-water in their veins. And depending on their mood Xandoria is a hot lover or an ice-cold killer/dealer.



Xandoria Female Black Hair Hulwar Version by CrazyEddie via Midjourney
Xandoria Female Black Hair Pisocenia Version by CrazyEddie via Midjourney
Xandoria Female Redhead Version by CrazyEddie via Midjourney
Xandoria Female Purple Version by CrazyEddie via Midjourney
Xandoria Female Blonde Version by CrazyEddie via Midjourney


Xandoria Male Black Hair Hulwar Version by CrazyEddie via Midjourney
Xandoria Male Black Hair Pisocenia Version by CrazyEddie via Midjourney
Xandoria Male Black Hair Version by CrazyEddie via Midjourney
Xandoria Male Red Hair Version by CrazyEddie via Midjournewy
Xandoria Male Blonde Version by CrazyEddie via Midjourney


"Every roll of the dice is a dance with destiny; risk it all and watch the world unfold before your very own eyes."
— Xandoria while opening the first joint-venture building
"Desire is the fire that ignites the soul; let it burn brightly. Illuminate your flesh with it since the flesh is a canvas, and every touch, a stroke of passion—revel in the masterpiece in the dim candlelight or at a bright bonfire."
— Xandoria while embracing a couple in their chamber
"Power is not given; it is taken by those who dare to seize it, forged in the crucible of ambition. To rule is to understand the hearts of the governed, for in their desires lies the key to their obedience. They brought me into existence and I have done what they wanted: I seized the power and now I rule them because I know their hearts."
— Xandoria during a meeting with another god
-hot chocolate/Corcha/drinks
-cool nights
-silk & linen
-a few hours of carnage & lust in the dungeons
-old books
-new books
-sharp daggers
-shiny daggers
-expensive daggers
-daggers in general
-nail polish
-child abusers
-abusers in general
-long lists
-waiting times
-sick people
-scratchy nails
-nails on a board
-scratchy wool
-Sound Snails
-getting up early
Divine Classification
Inner God
Always green

Cover image: Koria Main Header by CrazyEddie via Midjourney


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Aug 17, 2024 08:58 by Secere Laetes

Hm. Interessante Persönlichkeit und noch interessanter, dass der Gott nicht nur so geschaffen wurde, sondern dann auch einfach unter den Leuten wohnt. Und der Humor in der Liste ist gut... wobei ich ja vermute, dass sie die Liste nicht so gut finden würde ;).

Aug 28, 2024 14:55

"Unter den Leuten" mag etwas gedehnt sein, da Xandoria die Heimstatt quasi am Rande der Insel hat. Aber ja, Xandoria mischt sich auch unters Volk, wobei das mit der Standard-Gestalt so eine Sache ist. Man muss sich ja auch amüsieren können, ohne direkt Verdacht zu erregen^^ gut, mit den grünen Augen eeeetwas schwierig.

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
Aug 21, 2024 01:26

An interesting deity and a very young one at that, which can easily cause more harm than good should they decide to do so.

May you forever find your way on the journey you set out on and make yourself greater.
The Sagas world cover
Aug 28, 2024 14:55

Oh yes indeed. I hope to explore the chaos they can sow soon in their own stories :D

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
Aug 23, 2024 18:37

I like: a few hours of slaughter and lust in the dungeons and nail polish / I don't like: scratchy nails and wool ?? This list is uniquely great. But also otherwise, we talked a lot about it in the German chat and they have become a fascinating, inspiring, good, bad spirit(s). I love them - it was a fun reading. Thank you also for despising child abuse and then judging the people accordingly.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.