
Our pleasure is your pleasure



Prívía was founded by a few settlers whose names remain unknown to this day. Prívía was originally a refuge for humans, but Elves, Garladans and some Dragonborn seeked refuge there too, especially during the Times of War.


What was designed to be a home from home developed over the years to a city for gambling, lust and pleasure of all kinds. It now draws characters of all kinds to it and into its bowels and the coins are getting heard day and night. Even the Golden Hoard Capital and Investment Management has a small outpost there, for storage and currency exchange. Accounts are only opened for the owner of the establishments.


Over the years Prívía developed and changed. From a refuge to the city with the longest menu on activities one can buy for hard coins. Now one can find nearly every species in here, even Underlings, except for Druids of course. One can even find Witches here.




Prívía was originally founded as a refuge by a few settlers and refugees, especially during the Times of War, which occured during the Spiral incident. The island itself had no name and was not occupied, so it was a good idea to fall of the grid and start a settlement there.


What started as a slum with tents and makeshift huts evolved rather fast into a lively trading hub, which naturally grew a small gambling section near that thing which people might would have called port would it been larger than just a pier. Medical personnel arrived at some point, which made the Alchemist Guild curious and they supported the healers with ingredients, ready-to-use potions, and equipment.


Then the Dealers arrived. Naturally brothels had appeared way before the casinos and gambling holes, but they made deals, they bargained, they settled. There were peace treaties, sometimes joint ventures, and other propositions. Privat investors found their way onto the island and with the private investors came belief and the Fallow & Sons merchant family.


Xandoria arrived shortly after it. Or better, came into existence after the belief for a overarching dealer of the island got dense enough. From that point on forward the rules got stricter, more firm, but also allowed for a lot of deals.

"Did you meet her?"
"Of course, we are standing right in front of the treasure."
"Yes, I did. And they are not a her. Not entirely. Not as far as I could see. Yes, there is a nice looking... ah, fekk you. I got my contract and that is all that matters. Hopefully I don't have to deal with them again."
— Friends after one met Xandoria

As Xandoria emerged, they started to build The Treasure, which is their home, their office and their place of power. It is build on the south side of the island and so on the south of Prívía. It is build with imported white marble, outlined with black, purple, red or dark blue carpets and wall hangings. The walls are lit with blue, red, green and purple fire to confuse minds and somehow to frighten them. But lets not dwell on this, lets continue.


From there one find the houses of rich merchants, rich brothel owners, basically every rich person who is a permanent resident in Prívía and can afford one of the expensive appartments/houses. Some prefer to live inside their shops, brothels or whatnot. From there the districts spawned, got restructured after Xandoria took over from the wild, chaotic way to a more refined labyrinth.


Over the years Prívía grew and grew and grew. Not only on the outside, but also on the inside. Meaning? Well, they digged into the Earth. And now the city is the meeting point for any kinds of things you wanna do and is a bit of a competition to the Caves of Joy.


As one of the few non-combatants the island and the city didn't participated into giving refuge or help during the times of the Spiral and the Times of War. They did business and helped with shipping operations, but that was basically normal business. The defenses were only a few towers with archers and a few ballista.




Since the city is a labyrinth by design - which also serves as some kind of giant rune - it is not an easy task to divide it into districts normal people would do it like in Manvongr or Bjarghjarta.


The general rule to the distribution of the buildings or districts on the surface is fairly simple. The city is divided in four categories: gastronomy, gambling, lust, and general stores. But thats about it, the buildings are mixed inside the city and there are no real districts.


There are quarters where plots of land are available or not and marked like "Q1H4S2" which means Quarter One, Hall 4 - that is the designated control unit - and S2 is one of three designations, in this case "single" and "house 2". There are also M and L designations. M stands for two houses - or the size of two houses - and L for three houses or the size of three houses.


The plots of lands draw the rune on the island and are also the "walls" of the labyrinth. The etablisments vary from brothel to restaurant, casino or general store. So it can be that a general store is build next to a brothel, a casino or a mix of both. Sometimes one owner - or a partnership - forms a middle-sized or large-sized building where they have more than one service, like a casino with a built-in brothel or just lustful services with the gambling.


Prívía welcomes everyone, even Underlings and Garladan. Why? Because they are exotic and in the case of the Garladans they can serve everyone with ease. And since their drive for lust and pleasure is basically their default setting there is no need for long negotiations.


So one can find every pleasure they want on the surface. But what is with the underground? Lets take a look, shall we?

This section contains the following content warnings: References, implicit and / or explicit mentions of Gore, Torture, General Violence, sexual violence, and implicit sexual content. Subscriber Containers are NOT in place. You were warned.   If you don't want to read it, continue with "Ruler & Establishments".
Warning, semi-NSFW, be careful, kind stranger

The Underground is the second layer of pleasure on Prívía. And in this case the darker one. Here people can do whatever they want. They can find anything here and they mean it.


Curious minds can go into the dungeons - which is the general description for the etablisments in the underground - and can find...things. Contraband wares, various kinds of bodily pleasure and the dark side of Prívía. This includes chastisement, orgies, high-stake gambling (with and without cloth-removing) and torture - or murder if you pay the price for it - of slaves since the city is one of the last places in Koria where slavery is still a thing. Not that there are parties who try to remove slavery from the city, but Xandoria has other plans. And who goes against a god, hu?


In the dungeons one can also negotiate deals and sometimes even met the god of the city. Even on the surface, but still. Here one can close deals like buying slaves, contraband wares like drugs, strong magic tomes forbidden by the laws of the lands or conduct simple business.


What can one find here otherwise? Whatever they want. Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Dragonborns, Underlings, Garladans, sometimes even Orcs. And if there aren't any of this, the supplier do their best to fulfill ones needs. This includes specialised equipment, drugs, clothing, tools, whatever the customer wants and what he can pay for.


Ruler & Etablissments


Xandoria is the main ruler, the brain, the muscle, the dealer behind every dealer. They do have external muscles - so hired people - and live in The Treasure, the named palace of the island.


They conduct most of the deals, allow new people to settle on the island and set up shop, negotiate the trades with them and seal the deals in blood. Literally. With some of the more resourceful Xandoria has a closer relationship so that they can form the city to their liking.


The god of the city rules over every etablissment there is. They draw power from the belief, the sex, the gambling, the prayers for a good dice roll, the deals made in the stores, and the feelings which are emitted by the citizens, employees and customers of the pleasure city.



"It is always a pleasure to conduct business."
"Do you have everything you need?
"I think so, We have cloth, ale, beer, mead, whiskey, food and a few of your iron ingots. No, I think we are all set."
"Perfect. Same delivery in two months?"
"If you can make it, sure."
"No problem, only the best for my costumers."
— Merchant and a happy shop owner
coin cling on a table
"I wanna buy two of your ladies or one lady and a Garladan, a meal for each of us, drinks for the night, a room and I wanna play at your tables. Does that suffice?"
"Well", said the Concierge behind the table, "that will get you a few hours with each lady, no room, a meal, a few drinks and two thousand chips for our tables."
"Hu... and what if I wanna have the room and company?"
"You could buy the Garladan, the meals, the drinks, the room and two thousand chips at our tables."
"Oh good, I take that."
"A wise choice. Remember to not destroy anything in your room and if the Garladan doesn't consent, you are obliged to stop. If not, we have to consult with the owner of this fine house."
— Concierge of a larger etablissment with a customer
"What did you do?"
"I ordered an orgy."
"Yes, I know. And then?"
"I got what I wanted. I could kill, slaughter, and rip out my black pulsing soul. Afterwards I had fun with the Dragonborns and Garladans."
"That is possible?"
"If you have the coin, aye."
— Older chap with his younger friend after a night full of lust  


  Prívía imports nearly everything it needs. Food, clothes, materials, people. The island is not that large and most of the resources are gone. Some craftsmen set up shop here, but even they need to import their materials from the main land.  


  Prívía grows a lot of cave mushrooms. Those can grow really large and those are shipped to the main land. Otherwise the city exports her services and deals. There is no special stone or precious metals on the island and the only gold one can find is in their own purse or in the vaults of the Golden Hoard or The Treasure.    
Type of buildings
-Restaurants (meat, vegan, vegetarian)
-small arenas for fighting
-Service Export shops
-Specialised Shops
-tattoo & piercing parlours
-~30 archers
-~100 guards
-six towers
-three ballista
-4 piers
-12 warehouses
-1 guard outpost
-1 cave entrance to the underground dungeons
Large city
Map of the megaproject Koria.

Articles under Prívía

Cover image: Koria Main Header by CrazyEddie via Midjourney


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Aug 17, 2024 09:08 by Secere Laetes

Ich finde es immer noch witzig, dass die sich ihren eigenen Gott erdacht haben. Und dass der jetzt die Stadt wie eine Rune anordnet. Aber Donnerwetter, wenn ich bedenke, wie viel Zeit eigentlich nur verging sind die echt schnell bei der Sache in Provia. ... Na ist ja nicht jeder saulahm wie bei mir, wo unsere Zivilisationsentwicklung ja schon mindestens 20 mal reingepasst hätte ;).

Aug 28, 2024 14:50

Ja, etwas schneller vielleicht, aber das ist eben das Prinzip in Koria: wenn viele Leute an etwas bestimmtes glauben oder eine Person stark genug, formt sich daraus eine Gottheit oder etwas ähnliches. Und ja, die wollen Spaß und Schutz, also haben die in die Hände gespuckt :P

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