A Hint From the Boss Plot in Kornax | World Anvil

A Hint From the Boss


Yam receives a note that reads:  
Look into the Ravagers.
  The note is signed "The Boss" and there also this image:

Looking into the Ravagers

What can be learned about the Ravagers depends on where the questions are asked.

Local Taverns and Inns

Anything less than a 25 total on an Investigation check comes up empty. Success only reveals, "Yeah, I've heard the name. Raiders or somethin', right?"

Inquiring at the Preening Privy

Yam or any other party member will not be allowed into the Boss' presence. Nobody else will talk to the party.

Inquiring at the Shrine of Strubdicus

The priest there will ask for a donation. He will then make begin a ritual. There is a +1 bonus to the Investigation check per 2 sp donated. The ritual is just flavor for the Investigation check, which will go as follows:

  • 9 or less: The Ravagers are a band of marauders who have been around for a decade or more. The appear periodically to raid an area, then leave.
  • 10-15: The Ravagers are a large group of marauders who travel a circuit that covers the Eastern Calpian Empire, the Schmyse, and the northern portion of the Westmarch in Ritilia.
  • 16-20: They number several hundred, spread across four raiding bands.
  • 21-25: Their leader is an unusually charismatic bugbear named Froll.
  • 26+: They supposedly follow a cruel and evil goddess who delights in torture and suffering for its own sake.

For now, that's all there is to learn.

Plot type
Character Arc
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