
Originally, Aj̀ie was established in 1041 LE by Ghujuua Vee, who ruled under the title of Iich. History of Aj̀ie

Might and Right

Founding Date
1041 LE
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

  • 862 LE

    Luavuu Founded

    City of Luavuu founded during the Dragonwars

    Additional timelines
  • 884 LE

    R̀ayi founded

    City of R̀ayi founded during Dragonwars

    Additional timelines
  • 980 LE

    19 Clictuns

    End of the Dragonwars
    Military action

    End of the Dragonwars

  • 982 LE

    2 Shraksik

    Niièbar̀ii Founded

    'Oona Vee, a veteran of the Dragonwars, founds a settlement that he names Niièbar̀ii.

    Additional timelines
  • 990 LE

    996 LE

    'Oona Vee as 'Uchejii
    Life, Career

    'Oona Vee rules Niièbar̀ii as a city-state.

    Additional timelines
  • 990 LE

    16 Bists
    996 LE

    26 Hashmear

    Giantbane War
    Military: War

    The Giants attempt to fill the power vacuum created by the defeat of the Tyrant Dragons, but are decimated by the unified armies of humans, dvaer, rock gnomes, orcs, minargs, fortmans, and celermans.

  • 998 LE

    1029 LE

    Ruuuhbariè Vee as 'Uchejii
    Life, Career

    Ruuuhbariè Vee rules Niièbar̀ii as a city-state.

  • 1002 LE

    1041 LE

    R̀ayi War
    Military: War

    R̀ayi attacks the newer settlement of Niièbar̀ii but fails to conquer it. After nearly forty years of warfare, Ghujuua Vee finally succeeded in pushing back the R̀ayian forces and conquering their home city.

    Additional timelines
  • 1029 LE

    1041 LE

    Ghuhjuua Vee as 'Uchejii
    Life, Career

    Ghuhjuua Vee rules Niièbar̀ii as a city-state

  • 1029 LE

    Assassination of Ie'uuh Vee
    Life, Death

    Ghuhjuua Vee orders the assassination of his older sister, Ie'uuh in order to secure the throne upon their fathers' death.

  • 1041 LE

    1041 LE

    Conquest of R̀ayi
    Military: Battle

    Ghujuua forces R̀ayian forces back to their city, then assaults and captures R̀ayi.

    Additional timelines
  • 1041 LE

    1041 LE

    The Statehood Decree of 1041
    Political event

    Ghujuua Vee proclaims the territories of R̀ayi and Niièbar̀ii t be a "Single State under authority of House Vee, henceforth ruling as Iich of the State, which shall be called Aj̀ie."

    Additional timelines
  • 1041 LE

    1081 LE

    Ghuhjuua Vee as Iich
    Life, Career

    Ghuhjuua Vee rules as the Iich of Aj̀ie.

  • 1081 LE

    1108 LE

    Uuhnuuh Vee rules as Iich of Aj̀ie
    Life, Career

  • 1108 LE

    1122 LE

    Tiewadje Vee rules as Iich of Aj̀ie
    Life, Career

    Tiewdje Vee rules as Iich of Aj̀ie

  • 1122 LE

    1122 LE

    The Sister War
    Military: War

    Upon the death of Tiewadje Vee, his three daughters fall into a three-way civil war over the succession. After three months, the eldest, Chuuuhjo, captures and executes her sisters, securing the throne for herself.

  • 1122 LE

    1172 LE

    Chyuuhjo Vee as Iich of Aj̀ie
    Life, Career

  • 1172 LE

    1197 LE

    'Achììe R̀awiieke reigns as Iich of Aj̀ie
    Life, Career

  • 1195 LE

    1195 LE

    Death of Avu Kuuuhde and the Execution of Nuhbafiie Kuuuhde
    Life, Death

    Avu Kuuuhde is poisoned to death. 'Uuajie Kuuuhe uses his death as an opportunity and has his brother, Nuhbafiie framed for the assassination, clearing 'Uuajie's pathway to the throne.

  • 1197 LE

    1241 LE

    'Uuajie Kuuuhde reigns as Iich fo Aj̀ie
    Life, Career

  • 1241 LE

    1243 LE

    The Greensword War
    Military: War

    Upon the death of 'Uuajie Kuuuhde, a ghostly figure appeared in court bearing a copper sword, oxidized green with age. They declared that whoever could take the sword and hold it for a fortnight would be the rightful Iich of Aj̀ie. Inexplicably, the nobility fell to fighting over the sword for two years. In the end Aajuu Chyiièya won the sword and held it, taking the throne.

  • 1243 LE

    1283 LE

    Reign of Aajuu Chiièya as Iich of Aj̀ie
    Life, Career

  • 1283 LE

    1290 LE

    Reign of Iièlee Chyiièya

    Iièlee was an incompetent ruler. She became Iich upon her father's death in 1283, but she did little to nothing to see to the physical or political defenses of Aj̀ie. In 1290, she died when Faafi attacked and sacked Niièbar̀ii.

  • 1290 LE

    1297 LE

    Faafian Hegemony
    Political event

    Faafi conquered Aj̀ie, though they were unable to extend their advance to R̀ayi.

    Additional timelines
  • 1297 LE

    1297 LE

    Liberation of Niièbar̀ii
    Military: Battle

    Rèèfuabuh Yiièjuuh, a nobleman in exile in R̀afi raised an army and marched on Niièbar̀ii, capturing the Faafians unawares and liberating the city.

  • 1297 LE

    1304 LE

    Aj̀ie - Faafi War
    Military: War

    Additional timelines
  • 1297 LE

    1304 LE

    Rèèfuabuh Yiièjuuh rules as Iich of Aj̀ie
    Life, Career

  • 1304 LE

    Conquest of Faafi
    Military: Battle

    Additional timelines
  • 1304 LE

    1350 LE

    Yidiè Yiièjuuh reigns as Ghèèchuvèè of Aj̀ie
    Life, Career

  • 1304 LE

    Declaration of Expanded Statehood
    Political event

    Yidiè Yiièjuuh declares the territory of Faafi "wholly part of the State of Aj̀ie and subject to the rule of myself as Ghèèchuhvèè, along with my heirs and successors in perpetuity."

    Additional timelines
  • 1328 LE

    Assault on Luavuu
    Military: Battle

  • 1328 LE

    1363 LE

    Aj̀ie - Luavuu War
    Military: War

    Additional timelines
  • 1350 LE

    Deposition of Yidiè Yiièjuuh
    Political event

  • 1350 LE

    1363 LE

    Rieieie Chyakuh reigns as Ghèèchuhvèè of Aj̀ie
    Life, Career

  • 1363 LE

    Declaration of Monarchy
    Political event

  • 1363 LE

    Fall of Luavuu
    Military: Battle

  • 1363 LE

    1374 LE

    Rieieie Chyakuh rules as first Kua of Aj̀ie
    Life, Career

  • 1374 LE

    Murder of Kuua Chyakuh
    Life, Death

    Jie Chyakuh stabs his sister Kuua to death at their father's wake, securing the throne for himself.

  • 1374 LE

    1381 LE

    Jie Chyakuh reigns as second Kua of Aj̀ie
    Life, Career

  • 1381 LE

    1416 LE

    Nuua Ebiiè rules as third Kua of Aj̀ie
    Life, Career

  • 1416 LE

    1419 LE

    Chua Fiènuh reigns as fourth Kua of Aj̀ie
    Life, Career

    Kua Chua rules for a very short time after her mother's death. She quickly proves to be out of her depth. She is assassinated, and the country is relieved, so little effort is put in to find those responsible.

  • 1419 LE

    Assassination of Kua Chua Fiènuh
    Life, Death

  • 1419 LE

    R̀iiefru Tiebe crowned fifth Kua of Aj̀ie
    Life, Career


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