
The Fuhkiie live on the southwest shore of Lake Mbuck. They were a mercenary people during the Dragonwars, fighting on both sides of the war. They united with the other sentient races during the Giant War to oppose the hegemonic designs of the giants, however.


Major language groups and dialects


Shared customary codes and values

They venerate the following gods (fortmanish names in parentheses, where applicable):

  • Fertility: Fermed (Feer̀bèt)
  • Healers & Healing: Gloi (Ghyaayi)
  • Storms: Kearsped (Kyaarjbet)
  • Love: Kibla
  • Pridefulness and Conflict: Kigrasised (Kighr̀aajiijt)
  • Knowledge: Oors (Oor̀j)
  • Harvest: Plange (Blaanghuh)
  • Brotherhood and Kinship: Proim (Br̀oyiim)
  • Death: Rigilists (Righiliijt)
  • The Seasons: Seled (Jeelèt)
  • Music: Serens (Jèrèj̀
  • Fate: Slens, Ded, & Fli (Jyenj, Deet, and Flii)
Related Organizations
Related Locations


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