Bveyth Settlement in Kornax | World Anvil


The capital and citadel of the Lysælfen realm of Rîghos.


Bveyth is ruled directly by the Ceym, as their personal fief. They appoint advisors to oversee the mundane day-to-day activities of governance, leaving the larger questions only to the Ceym to decide.


Outer Defenses

Bveyth is surrounded by an earthen rampart surmounted with a wooden paliside. Just within the palisade, there is a large earthen trench encircling the city to a depth of thirty feet. Within these defenses, there are numerous cisterns, pastures, and fields for raising food in the event of a siege. The rampart lies about half a mile from the stone walls of the inner defenses.

Inner Defenses

The city proper is defended by two concentric stone walls. The outer of the two is twenty-two feet high and fifteen feet thick. It is punctuated by broad, flat towers twenty feet in diameter, each with a ballista atop it. The inner wall is forty feet high and fifteen feed thick, sitting back from the outer wall about thirty feet. Atop this wall, there are extensive stone hoardings and battlements around the entire perimeter. Access to the inner city is via a single gate through an immensely reinforced stone gatehouse equipped with machicolations and murder holes.


Bveyth boasts beautifully paved streets throughout, within its inner walls. The paving material is amber in color, due to the fact that it is a mixture of ground white stone and the boiled sap of the ænonughy trees that grow in the area. When the stone is mixed with the sap, applied to a prepared roadbed, and allowed to cool, it creates a sort of golden-amber asphalt-like pavement.

Sanitation is handled by means of magic, and the city is very clean.

Points of interest

The most sought-after point of interest in the city is Nu Mîrosho Nûth Nysæthæs, or "The Hall of Spears." It is the grand temple and headquarters of the Academy of War. Though the Lysælfen are famously haughty and reluctant to allow outsiders into their realms, they do allow entry to those seeking the Academy's instruction. These outsiders are escorted to Nu Mîrosho Nûth Nysæthæs, where they are turned over to the priests, there. They are expected to remain on the temple's grounds for the duration of their stay, unless escorted by members of the the Forestguard, the Ceym's peacekeepers in the city.

There are also beautiful temples to X'Rell, Roni, and Priëtass elsewhere in the city.

Founding Date
1,700 years before the Fall of Dragons
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization