Ciltyc I Thidfud

Geath Ciltyc I Thidfud, The Founder and First Pasop of D̬aa, Builder of Ceybyd (a.k.a. The Adamantine Heart)

Ciltyc I was the founder and first Pasop of D̬aa, who laid the cornerstone of Ceybyd.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Before Ciltyc I's reign, the Ithygši̋c were a group of semi-nomadic people who inhabited the vast underground regions beneath the Cumbu Mountains. They maintained some form of loyalty to the R̈amëqaas of Rinyaa, which was a powerful Ethereal Greatwyrm known as Da, although the exact nature of this fealty remains uncertain.

Ciltyc's mother was a semi-legendary figure known as Teymy Nagmap Mucitaš Thidfud. Teymy was a prominent and influential leader during her lifetime, and her legacy left a lasting impact on the Ithygši̋c people. Historians believe that Teymy's era marked a significant period of social and environmental change, as evidenced by the rapid transition of the Ithygši̋c from a nomadic to a settled lifestyle.

Following in her mother's footsteps, Ciltyc established a thriving settlement known as Ceybyd. This settlement became a hub of activity, trade, and cultural exchange. To honor the influential R̈amëqaas, Ciltyc named the surrounding realm D̬aa, paying homage to their enduring legacy and contributions to the region.

2978 AscD 2192 AscD 786 years old
Place of Death
Founded Settlements


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