
The Ëdvuqëk are a reclusive kobold ethnicity dwelling in the southern end of the Tiseiar Mountains.

Major organizations

Wiw Wageq ted Hameaa (The Society of Isolation)

This extra-tribal organization wields enormous influence in Ëdvuqek society. The Ëdvuqëk kobolds were mistreated by the Dragon Tyrants and the other sentient races during the Dragonwars. As a result, once they were freed from the yoke of their draconic masters, they withdrew into the shadows. Wiw Wageq ted Hameaa teaches - very effectively - that the only prudent policy is to avoid all contact with any other peoples. Their influence with the wider population often puts them in the position of being chief-makers when leadership of a tribe is in question.

Languages spoken
Related Locations


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