Etivius Alquonius Tibusius

Eiccatun Etivius Alquonius Tibusius, Ter̂uus Accumor, Eiccoviac

Etivius is a human wizard in the city of Calpi. He is considered the pre-eminent scholar and wizard on elemental forms of magic.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In 1429, a young minarg wizard named Lakri Zirbumma Ujiyy approached Ativius for aid in how to transform a spell in a particular way. He provided advice in return for an unspecified service at a time of his choosing, enforced by a geas.


Etivius served as an apprentice to the wizard Apvulec Eiccoviaq from 1388 LE to 1402 LE. At the end of this apprenticeship, Apvulec conferred the title Eiccoviaq on him, as well.

Intellectual Characteristics

Etivius exudes an air of arrogance, often regarding those around him as having inferior intellect compared to his own.

Morality & Philosophy

He believes in a world bound by order and boundaries. It is his contention that the mortal races can only survive if they and the powers are bound by immutable laws, carefully designed to uphold the common good.

Personality Characteristics


Etivius believes that only through understanding the elements can the mortal races hope to survive in a world of Powers. Those beliefs have only been bolstered by Tirelva's battle in the harbor of Avul (water), Dion's raising of a mountain in Ritilia (earth), and so on.

Current Status
Studying the elemental essences
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles

His master, Apvulec Eiccoviaq conferred the title of Eiccoviaq on him in the year 1402 LE.

In 1419, R̂oldavus Etpimcemus conferred the honorific title "Eiccatun," meaning "wizard," signifying high honor bestowed by the R̂oldavus himself due to Ativius' demonstrated high degree of magical study and aptitude.

Etivius has devoted his life to studying the elements. Few mortals are more well-versed in the subject than he, and he has, in fact, even traveled to the Plane of Air and Plane of Fire in furterance of his research. His devotion to the study of elemental magic has earned him the title of Ter̂uus Accumor, or "Master of the Elements," which was bestowed upon him by R̂oldavus Etpimcemus in 1427 LE.

Year of Birth
1374 LE 56 Years old
Current Residence
Poppaicus Accumor
Gray, worn shoulder length, with soft curls
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Line with age
5' 7"


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