Fermed, the Verdant Heart Character in Kornax | World Anvil

Fermed, the Verdant Heart

Other Names

  • Bermedicu (Ronispali humans)
  • Bermedicus (Dacci, Dolobei, Ebawecci, and Ivr̂ai humans)
  • Bermedos (Desi humans)
  • Feer̀bèt (Fuhkiie fortmans)
  • Fymd (Dagfi humans)
  • Pfärmedt (Sörsch firbolgs and Äklo goliaths)
  • Vër̈mt (Dud humans)
Fermed represents fertility, in general, though in some cultures his focus is more specifically on human reproduction.

Divine Domains

Life, Nature

Fermed is sometimes also honored by druids.


Fermed's holy days are the soltices and the equinoxes.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Fermed is patient and endlessly generous. He aids those who seek to spread fertility across Kornax, whether that is between animals, sapient species, plants, fungi, or even bacteria. When he is angered, the target of his wrath becomes barren and infertile.

Divine Classification
Younger God (Greater)
Brown, the shade of fertile earth
Cascading, lush, verdant curls that seem to teem with life, occasionally sprouting small flowers that bloom and wilt by the hour
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Olive, with intricate green patters swirling across his skin, reminiscent of vines


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