Flor Zorschlie Character in Kornax | World Anvil

Flor Zorschlie

Len Flor Zorschlie, The Second Estiada of Zorschlie

Flor is an important figure in the history of Zorschlie. The daughter of Blardt, the founder of the town, she was reigning as its Estiada in 1390 LE, when a group of rebels, believing they had her support attempted armed insurrection against the Awatcovum of Cumbuia.

Understanding what was at stake for her people, Flor ordered Ynwau, her daughter to brutally and publicly supress the rebellion. She had Ynwau publicly torture and execute the ringleaders, then surrendered herself as their ultimate leader, though she was not. This was public knowledge among her people, but not more widely throughout Cumbuia. She was taken in captivity to Häff, where she was tried for treason and executed by Terua Gulisa of Cumbuia in 1392. Her final words were, "I have been the protector of my people. So I remain."

The general populace of Sorsclitebwa understood that their Estiada had sacrificed herself to protect them, and they fell in line behind her daughter Ynwau and the rumblings of rebellion died down and ended once and for all.

1346 LE 1392 LE 46 years old
Place of Death


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