Jal Ethnicity in Kornax | World Anvil


The Jal goblins live at the foot of the central portion of the Cumbu Moutains in the Principality of Ritilia. They number over 3.5 million individuals.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Most Jal have no family names. The few nobles among them have adopted family names, but they typically are related to their fiefs or what they do. For example the Scpuwa family's name derives from schpua, which simply means "war leader." The Sorscli family name is a Calpianization that derives from the name of their town - Zorschlie.


Major language groups and dialects

The Jal speak the goblin language, though the speech of those in the central portion of their range are beginning to pick up Calpian loanwords and phonemes.

Culture and cultural heritage

The Jal were raiders. In the beginning of the fourteenth century, however, there was an incursion of drakes and dragons in their mountainous homes in the Cumbu mountains. They descended into the plain on the western side of the mountain. By necessity, they made peace with the Ebawecci, their clan-chiefs and war-leaders going so far as to swear fealty to Vonuscidus Ritilius. They aided him in his wars, and in return, he helped drive back the draconic assault in the mountains.

In the northeasternmost portion of their range, the Jal retain a monolithic culture and largely eschew the "civilizing" efforts of the Ebawecci humans who rule them. Elsewhere, however, they have begun to assimilate well into the larger Ritilian culture.

Shared customary codes and values

The Jal worship whatever gods they choose, or none. In the past, many worshipped Tadi, and a few still do. Others worship the Markarey and Unmarkarey, while still others worship the broader pantheon.


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