Ghā Ethnicity in Kornax | World Anvil


The Ghā are an ethnicity of minargs who live in the Drouchtasij Hills in Tunsaccia. Their range straddles the northern border of the Kingdom of Zewakt.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Feminine names end in -a or -ā

Masculine names

Masculine names end in -u or -ū


Major language groups and dialects


Shared customary codes and values

The Ghā venerate the following gods (Minargish names in parentheses):

  • Brotherhood: Proim (Brumu)
  • Music: Serens (Shiranzu)
  • Poetry: Prundged (Brunghidū)
  • Magic: Crorrm (Krurma)
  • Medicine: Gloi (Ghluwia)

Common Etiquette rules

Polite greetings and benedictions upon departure are expected in all situations.

Common Dress code

The Ghā take great pains to dress in well-made and carefully designed garments that are skilfully sewn together. This is a primary means they use to differentiate themselves from orcs.

Art & Architecture

The Ghā build extensively and intricately in wood. Their structures may be as high as four stories, with windows, gables, carved doors, and decorative carved trim.
Related Organizations
Languages spoken


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