Ghā Ethnicity in Kornax | World Anvil


Naming Traditions

Family names

The Ghā have seventeen family names. They are:

  • Nuk
  • Shummut
  • Hāh
  • Dhi
  • Kuyy
  • Ghunāyy
  • Zuk
  • Kalkib
  • Yisā
  • Ghīzk
  • Shir
  • Is
  • Kina
  • Kurā
  • Rihā
  • Tirī
  • Thufl


Major language groups and dialects


Shared customary codes and values

The Ghā venerate the following gods:
  • Life: Fermed (Fīrmid)
  • Death: Robvî (Rubfi)
  • Magic: Crorrm (Krūrim)

Art & Architecture

Ghā architecture features extensive masonry and heavy, square colums that support lintel beams or arches. Roofs are very steeply pitched and finished with slate shingles or they domed and finished with wood overlaid by clay tile. Most structures are at least two stories in height. It is not unusual to find four and five storey buildings.

Related Organizations
Related Locations


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