Khit Settlement in Kornax | World Anvil


Khit is the capital city of Shīddūnti.


The city is surrounded by an inward sloping wall of stone, providing excellent protection against ground attack and modest protection against air attack and indirect fire. Set out from these walls are twenty-seven towers that offer lateral defense of the base of the walls. A single, strong gatehouse allows ingress and egress from the city, which can cause bottlenecks for trade, at times.


Khit is a centrally planned city. Streets radiate outward from the central palace like the spokes of a wheel, and three major rings, roughly concentric, encircle the inner, middle, and outer city. All of these thoroughfares are approximately twenty feet in width, with an additional three feet of sidewalk on each side. The streets are recessed by about six inches below the level of the sidewalks, so they can act as drainage channels.

Points of interest

Aside from the palace, the most important structure in town, build adjoining the Temple of Krūrim, is the Tower of Knowledge and Magic. It is home to a collective of scholars and mages. It is not a school of any kind, but researchers can visit and peruse the collected tomes and research there. Admission to the stacks is either a tome of history or arcana not currently housed in the collection, or a donation of 250 gold coins.
Founding Date
441 LE
Related Ethnicities
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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