Herke Ethnicity in Kornax | World Anvil


The Herke are a dvaerish people living in the Seg Hills. They drade extensively with the Tonme and Veen rock gnomes, with the Litse robussins, and with the Mbinzem and Dakh humans.

Their industry is especially focused on the production of metals as a raw material and on the forging of implements from those metals. Herke are usually dominated by foundries and forges, with smaller workshops for the assembly of more delicate instruments.

Naming Traditions

Family names

The Herke have a strong sense of their clan. Further, within each clan, the family is the central social unit of life. They have names that denote those relationships, but they do not share those names outside the community. When speaking outside the clan, they will use a patronymic (or a matronymic, in some cases) and a descriptive name for their profession. For example, a Herke named Spul might be called "Spul Schritou of Clan Bleft" within her stronghold, but outside of it, her moniker would be "Spul, daughter of Bug, the Coal Miner."

Other names

Like many dvaer, Herke also often have a descriptive nickname. Unlike others, this is not a cultural norm and receiving that nickname is no right of passage. Nonetheless, it is a very common practice.


Shared customary codes and values

The Herke venerate Mortag and Amurg, almost exclusively. They acknowledge the other Khuldaag gods, as well as the wider pantheon generally, but they do not worship them.

Average technological level

The Herke are on the cusp of entering the iron age. They have, in fact developed its use, and they export it in small quantities, but most implements remain bronze.

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