
Dol is one of the two major settlements of the Herke dvaer. It is the capital city of Spaf, as well as the only place in Tusaccia where steel is made.


On the surface, the settlement is a fortification with a market inside. High stone walls surround the compound with a thick and sturdy gate as the only means of ingress and egress. The passage into the lower city is restricted to residents and special foreign dignitaries only, and it lies behind a fortified gateway inside the primary keep of the upper city.

The approaches to the lower city are defended by numerous blind turns and murder passages. At the utmost extent of the passage from the surface, there is a massive gate that guards the lower city from intrusion.

Industry & Trade

Opal, Wrought Iron, Steel (in limited and carefully controlled quantities)


Dol, like many dvaer settlements exists partially above ground, but mostly below ground. There is a large central cistern on the lowest level of the city from which clean drinking water can be drawn. Waste and effluvia are collected in a separate cesspool which is kept clean by trained scavenger beasts and vermin.


In 861 LE, Achtchin, a metallurgist, discovered the iron bloomery process. His descendants have spent the last five and a half centuries additing to their knowledge of this material. In 1402 LE, his descendant Ilt discovered the meanst to control the amount of carbuerization in the alloying processl and produced the first steel that was alloyed intentionlly (as opposed to being drawn from a specific cross-section of a bloom slag). In the few short years since that time, the city has begun producing steel in very limited quantities, and has even begun exporting it.

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