Kalpa Vriksha

Kalpa Vriksha

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A thin frame supports oversized wooden gauntlets and heavy boots.

Body Features

Kapla's 2 large arms can split in to 4 smaller arms, retaining the same mass and functionality. A hollow chest is where he stores all his belongings.

Facial Features

Full of scars running down Kalpa's face looking like wrinkles, always looking like an old person.

Special abilities

Kalpa can grow "new" wood to replace some parts of their old and decaying body, but it is so energy consuming that it is better to prevent the problem to begin with.

Apparel & Accessories

The only protection Kapla dons is a rusted metal helm and a moss and leaf cape.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Due to the curse binding him to the decaying tree he has also lost his magic abilities, and as such it is very rare that they are able to use spells. Technology, even the rudimentary confuses him. He relied on magic so much in his past life he never learned to use much technology, but now he is making an effort in learning as much as he can.

Morality & Philosophy

Kalpa tends to terrorize and scare everyone that gets close, not because they are not strong, but because they think fear is a better deterrent than brutality.
Light Blue Glow
8 ft
180 lbs

Session 9 Journal

The leader of this cult cowardly hides behind secret walls in tunnels? We are fortunate to have a more competent leader to deal the killing blow. Im has shown fear in combat at a critical time, against the cult’s leader. And when he isn’t running from the fight he is falling yet again in combat. We should discuss training once we get back to town. (Downtime training)   It seems that Yeswyn’s home is under attack. We all will be worse off if she is not focused. It would be best for us to aid her so she can better aid us.   A True Mentor does not send a child (18 year old compared to a 200 years old) on suicide missions with no real information by themselves. It took a God to sink our ship for im to find a group to help him. It enrages me to think about who would have taken advantage of him if he made it to Avul without our guidance or tried to fight the Yuan Ti by himself. Freeing him when he was an 8 year old from slavers only to make them a child solider for his needs is not freedom, just a transfer of ownership by blood. Im did not ask anything from those freed from the Yuan Ti. Any being that needs a child to do their work is not a being I am afraid of. I don’t know if his cheap tricks will be enough to save him next time. (-1 Great Axe from inventory)   **On walk after** Control of my mind at the farm… control of my body here… ! Again my agency has been taken from me. I must find a way to prevent this in the future before I fail to protect or hurt someone. (Possibly looking for a Magento-like helm to prevent things like this again)


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